RAFManager is a simple requestAnimationFrame animation manager. With RAFManager you can control the addition/deletion animations globally with precision.
The important thing is that it has only a few dozen lines of code, and the size is so small that you can ignore it.
You can use it as the base library for your animation project, or wherever you want to use it.
<script src="js/RAFManager.min.js"></script>
npm install raf-manager --save
import RAFManager from 'raf-manager';
RAFManager.add(func, fps, param);
const node = this.inputRef.current;
node.innerHTML = title;
node.style.top = top + 'px';
}, 25, 'hello world!');
RAFManager.add(func1, 2);
RAFManager.add(func2, 3.5);
RAFManager.add(func3, 10.5);
Node is a dependency, use terminal to install it with npm:
npm install
npm run build
npm run lint
LicenseFinder is released under the MIT License. http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license