Someone interested in the source code? Well, this website has been through a lot.
This was built in React in 2017. But, due to my stubborness at the time, I used no libraries - no JQuery, Routers - nothing. So, all the routing was done by hand and thus the website was incredibly rigid, not mobile friendly, and horribly designed (due to my previous hatred for scrolling).
This was built in March of 2020 using pure HTML CSS and Javascript. I had the idea of having a 2D physics environment with screens falling down into view, and users being able to swipe them away. Cannon JS was the best library I could find, but it was always paired with ThreeJS. So, I decided to make my own 2D render engine that took in the coordinates of Cannon physics objects. It worked, but not being able to scroll made things difficult for CSS, and I once again chose horrible colours.
This was built in 5 days in May of 2020 with Vue. The original design was from a lovely friend of mine (Jayden) and was so much easier to implement when compared to the previous iterations. Although, its ease was probably due to the fact that I finally understood the languages as opposed to hacking my way through problems.
This was built in May of 2021 with Nuxt (Next + Vue)! The current website builds off the lessons from the previous iteration and uses Next to optimize the user experience. As well, I made the entire design! I'm very proud of how far I've come in the design world. Again, this is mostly thanks to Jayden :)