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7cac73c Â· May 15, 2018


9 Commits
Feb 18, 2018
May 2, 2018
May 2, 2018
May 2, 2018
Feb 18, 2018
Feb 18, 2018
Feb 18, 2018
Feb 18, 2018
May 2, 2018
Feb 18, 2018
Feb 18, 2018
May 2, 2018

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Gem Version


bootstrap_sb_admin_base_v1 is a Rails gem of the Bootstrap based admin theme SB Admin. Originally created by Start Bootstrap, all the credits of the development of the Bootstrap admin theme are of them. This is just and adaptation into Rails gem in order to make it easier to integrate all the assets (fonts, images, css and js) into a Rails application.

You can check the original Bootstrap admin theme repository here.

If you want the second version of this theme as a Rails gem, check this repository.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'bootstrap_sb_admin_base_v1'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install bootstrap_sb_admin_base_v1


This gem has three dependencies: jquery-rails, font-awesome-sass and bootstrap in order to keep updated the versions of jQuery, Font Awesome and Bootstrap, so be sure to require these on your application.js before requiring the bootstrap_sb_admin_base_v1 file like so:

  //= require jquery3
  //= require popper
  //= require bootstrap
  //= require bootstrap_sb_admin_base_v1

and on the application.scss file, be sure to require the font-awesome-sass and bootstrap file:

    @import 'bootstrap';
    @import 'font-awesome-sprockets';
    @import 'font-awesome';
    @import 'bootstrap_sb_admin_base_v1';

And you're ready to use the HTML structure of the Bootstrap based admin theme SB Admin on your Rails application. All the details and documentation about this are here.

This project was developed by dreamingechoes. It adheres to its code of conduct and contributing guidelines, and uses an equivalent license.