A collection of resources for the intersection of computer graphics and machine learning.
Please feel free to submit a pull request with additional resources.
- Computer Science 598F Advanced Topics in Computer Science: Deep Learning for Graphics and Vision
- CS 6501: Deep Learning for Computer Graphics
- Deep Learning for Graphics
- Deep Learning: A Crash Course
- SIGGRAPH 2018 Course: Machine Learning and Rendering
- CreativeAI: Deep Learning for Computer Graphics
- Connelly Barnes
- Angel Xuan Chang
- Angela Dai
- Paul Guerrero
- Leonidas J. Guibas
- Aaron Hertzmann
- Evangelos Kalogerakis
- Anton Kaplanyan
- Alex Keller
- Vladimir Kim
- Iasonas Kokkinos
- Jaakko Lehtinen
- Niloy Mitra
- Matthias Nießner
- Jan Novák
- Konstantinos Rematas
- Daniel Ritchie
- Tobias Ritschel
- Marco Salvi
- Nils Thuerey
- Tomer Weiss
- Hongzhi Wu