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Mpz functions
Classified by argument types. Basic operators to be included.
They are a lot! With a lot of different signatures...
mpz -> mpz
- neg (done)
- abs (done)
- sqrt (done in mk8/mpz_wrapper)
- root (done in mk8/mpz_wrapper)
- nextprime (done in mk8/mpz_wrapper)
- com (done)
- mpz -> mpz, mpz
- sqrtrem (done in mk8/mpz_wrapper)
- rootrem (done in mk8/mpz_wrapper)
- mpz -> bool
- perfect_power (done in mk8/mpz_wrapper)
- perfect_square (done in mk8/mpz_wrapper)
mpz, mpz -> mpz
- cdiv_q (done)
- cdiv_r (done)
- fdiv_q (done)
- fdiv_r (done)
- tdiv_q (done)
- tdiv_r (done)
- mod # looks like abs(tdiv_r)
- divexact (done)
- gcd (done)
- lcm (done)
- invert (done)
- and (done)
- ior (done)
- xor (done)
mpz, mpz -> mpz, mpz
- cdiv_qr; (q, r) -> (n, d) (done)
- fdiv_qr; (q, r) -> (n, d) (done)
- tdiv_qr; (q, r) -> (n, d) (done)
mpz, long -> mpz
note: those also return a long value: what is it?
- cdiv_q_ui
- cdiv_r_ui
- cdiv_q_2exp (done) # arg 2 is a bitcount
- cdiv_r_2exp (done)
- fdiv_q_ui
- fdiv_r_ui
- fdiv_q_2exp (done)
- fdiv_r_2exp (done)
- tdiv_q_ui
- tdiv_r_ui
- tdiv_q_2exp (done)
- tdiv_r_2exp (done)
- mod_ui # identical to fdiv_r_ui
- divexact_ui
- pow_ui (done)
- gcd_ui # return fits in a long
- lcm_ui
- bin_ui
long -> mpz
- fac_ui (done)
long, long -> mpz
- ui_pow_ui # probably can't be wrapped overloading ^
- bin_uiui
mpz, long -> mpz, mpz
This also return a long: what is it? (seems a copy of the reminder, in abs value).
- cdiv_qr_ui
- fdiv_qr_ui
- tdiv_qr_ui
- rootrem (done)
mpz, long -> long
What's the difference with the cdiv_r_ui above? the doc say this only returns the remainder
- cdiv_ui
- fdiv_ui
- tdiv_ui
mpz, mpz -> bool
- divisible_p (done)
mpz, long -> bool
- divisible_ui_p
- divisible_2exp_p (done)
mpz, mpz, mpz -> bool
- congruent (done)
mpz, long, long -> bool
- congruent_ui
mpz, mpz, long -> bool
- congruent_2exp (done)
mpz, mpz, mpz -> mpz
- powm (done)
- powm_sec - not available in GMP 3 and probably not useful on a server
mpz, long, mpz -> mpz
- powm_ui
mpz, long -> mpz, bool
- root (done but without the bool value)
mpz -> mpz, mpz
- sqrtrem (done)
mpz -> bool
- even (done)
- odd (done)
- perfect_power_p (done)
- perfect_square_p (done)
mpz, int -> bool
- probab_prime_p (done)
mpz, mpz -> mpz, mpz, mpz
- gcdext (done)
mpz, mpz -> int
- jacobi (done)
- legendre (done)
- kronecker (done, basic) # with a mix of other types
mpz, mpz -> mpz, ulong
- remove (done)
long -> mpz
- fib_ui
- lucnum_ui
long -> mpz, mpz
- fib2_ui
- lucnum2_ui
mpz -> int
- sgn (done)
mpz -> ulong
- popcount (done)
- hamdist (done)
mpz, ulong -> ulong
- scan0 (done)
- scan1 (done)