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Linux Server Configuration

By Dylan Blur

Part of the Udacity Front-End Web Development Nanodegree

Project 6 : Linux server configuration

Server Details

This was a project realized for my course at udacity, So these servers has been shut down


Instantiate on AWS LightSail

  1. Sign in to Amazon Lightsail using an Amazon Web Services account

  2. Follow the udacity steps for creating an instance

Connection to the instance from a local machine

The following steps outline how to connect to the instance via a terminal on a local machine.

  1. Download the instance's private key by navigating to the Amazon Lightsail 'Account page'

  2. Click on 'Download default key'

  3. A file with extension .pem will be downloaded; open it.

  4. Copy the text and put it in a file called lightrail_key.rsa (or any other name to help you could recall anytime) in the local machine ~/.ssh/ directory

  5. Run chmod 600 ~/.ssh/lightrail_key.rsa to give permissions to access the file

  6. ssh -i ~/.ssh/lightrail_key.rsa [email protected], and aa.aa.aa.aa is the public IP. to login to the instance

Update and Upgrade existing packages

apt-get update - to update the packages existing

apt-get upgrade - to upgrade the installed packages

If at login the message *** System restart required *** is shown, run reboot to restart the machine.

Configuring the UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall)

Note: The following commands have to be run as administrator so as an alternative to typing sudo before every command you can first of all run sudo su

  1. Run sudo ufw status to check the status prior to the configuration

  2. Changing the SSH port from 22 to 2200 (open up the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config, change the port number on line 5 to 2200, then restart SSH by running sudo service ssh restart

  3. Run sudo ufw default deny incoming this is to set the ufw firewall to block everything coming in

  4. Run sudo ufw default allow outgoing this is to to set the ufw firewall to allow everything outgoing

  5. Run sudo ufw allow ssh to set the ufw firewall to allow SSH

  6. Run sudo ufw allow 2200/tcp to allow all tcp connections for port 2200 so that SSH will work

  7. Run sudo ufw allow www to set the ufw firewall to allow a basic HTTP server

  8. Run sudo ufw allow 123/udp to set the ufw firewall to allow NTP (123/udp is actually the port for NTP)

  9. Run sudo ufw deny 22 to deny port 22 (deny this port since it will be configured to 2200)

  10. Run sudo ufw enable to enable the ufw firewall

  11. Run sudo ufw status to check which ports are open and to see if the ufw is active; if done correctly, it should look like this:

To                         Action      From
--                         ------      ----
22                         DENY        Anywhere
2200/tcp                   ALLOW       Anywhere
80/tcp                     ALLOW       Anywhere
123/udp                    ALLOW       Anywhere
22 (v6)                    DENY        Anywhere (v6)
2200/tcp (v6)              ALLOW       Anywhere (v6)
80/tcp (v6)                ALLOW       Anywhere (v6)
123/udp (v6)               ALLOW       Anywhere (v6)
  1. Update Amazon Lightsail firewall on the browser by changing the firewall configuration to match the internal firewall settings above (only ports 80(TCP), 123(UDP), and 2200(TCP) should be allowed)

  2. Now, to login again, open up the Terminal and run:

ssh -i ~/.ssh/lightrail_key.rsa -p 2200 [email protected], and XX.XX.XX.XX is the public IP address of the instance

Note: If you try connecting without the flag -p 2200 this will not work because the accessible port has been changed from 22 to 2200, Connecting to the instance through a browser now no longer works; this is because Lightsail's browser-based SSH access only works through port 22, which is now denied.

Create a new user named grader for the reviewer

  1. Run sudo adduser grader

  2. Enter in a new UNIX password (twice) when prompted (pass:12345678)

  3. Fill the info for the new grader user or leave it empty

  4. To switch to the grader user, run su - grader, and enter the password to test for accessibility

Give grader user sudo permissions

  1. Go back to the main user by typing exit

  2. Run sudo visudo

  3. Add the following line after to the ones that look same :grader ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

  4. Save and close the visudo file

  5. To verify that grader has sudo permissions, su as grader (run su - grader), enter the password, and run sudo -l;

Allow grader to log in to the virtual machine

  1. Run ssh-keygen on the local machine

  2. Choose a file name for the key pair (such as grader_key)

  3. Enter in a passphrase

  4. Log in to the virtual machine

  5. Switch to grader's home directory(~), and create a new .ssh directory mkdir .ssh

  6. Run touch .ssh/authorized_keys

  7. On the local machine, run cat ~/.ssh/

  8. Copy the contents of the file, and paste them in the .ssh/authorized_keys file on the virtual machine

  9. Run chmod 700 .ssh on the virtual machine

  10. Run chmod 644 .ssh/authorized_keys on the virtual machine

  11. Make sure key-based authentication is forced (log in as grader, open the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file, and find the line that says, '# Change to no to disable tunnelled clear text passwords'; if the next line says, 'PasswordAuthentication yes', change the 'yes' to 'no'; save and exit the file; run sudo service ssh restart)

  12. Log in as the grader using the following command:

    ssh -i ~/.ssh/grader_key -p 2200 [email protected]


Note that a pop-up window will ask for grader's password.

Preparing to deploy

Change timezone to UTC

  1. Check the timezone with the date command. This will display the current timezone after the time.
  2. If it's not UTC change it with this command: sudo timedatectl set-timezone UTC

Install Apache

  1. Run sudo apt-get install apache2 to install Apache
  2. Check this by using the public IP of the Amazon Lightsail instance as as a URL in a browser; if Apache is working correctly, a page with apache title should load

Install mod_wsgi

  1. sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi python-dev
  2. Make sure mod_wsgi is enabled by running sudo a2enmod wsgi

Install PostgreSQL

  1. run sudo apt-get install postgresql

Install Python

  1. Check if it's installed by running python
  2. If not sudo apt-get python2 for p2 or sudo apt-get python3

Create a new PostgreSQL for catalog

  1. PostgreSQL creates a Linux user with the name postgres during installation; switch to this user by running sudo su - postgres.

  2. Connect to psql (the terminal for interacting with PostgreSQL) by running psql

  3. Create the catalog user by running CREATE ROLE catalog WITH LOGIN; (Make sure to enter ; without which it may NOT understand the statement)

  4. Next, give the catalog user the ability to create databases: ALTER ROLE catalog CREATEDB; (Make sure to enter ; without which it may NOT understand the statement)

  5. Finally, give the catalog user a password by running \password catalog

  6. Check to make sure the catalog user was created by running \du

  7. A table will come up showing all the roles added, check on catalog role if its able to create DB

  8. Exit psql by running \q

  9. Switch back to ubuntu user through exit

Create a Linux user called catalog

  1. Create a new Linux user called catalog:

    • sudo adduser catalog
    • fill out information for catalog
  2. Give the catalog user sudo permissions:

    • run sudo visudo
    • add catalog ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
    • save and close the visudo file
  3. To verify that catalog has sudo permissions, login to catalog (run sudo su - catalog), and run sudo -l

 User catalog may run the following commands on
     (ALL : ALL) ALL
  1. Create a database called catalog by running createdb catalog

  2. Run psql and from there run \l to see that the new database has been created

  3. Switch back to the ubuntu user by running exit

Install git and clone the catalog project

  1. Install git by running sudo apt-get install git

  2. Create a directory called itemCatalog and clone the catalog project by running sudo -u www-data git clone itemCatalog

    Note that the itemCatalog at the end is to stop git from adding the folder item-catalog because Apache doesn't like hyphens very much

  3. Change the ownership of the 'itemCatalog' directory to www-data by running (while in /var/www): sudo chown -R www-data:www-data itemCatalog/

  4. Go to the cd /var/www/itemCatalog/itemCatalog directory

  5. run mv to change the name of the file to

  6. Open file and go to the last line, change from'', port=5000) to

Adding Google Auth

  1. Create a new project on the Google API Console

  2. Go on credential tabs, create an auth and add http://XX.XX.XX.XX as authorized JavaScript origins

Where XX.XX.XX.XX is the public ip address numbers

  1. Edit the login.html and base.html with any text editor of your choice

  2. Search for the words change this in login.html and base.html

  3. add your clientID on the meta tag

Setup Environment

We setup this enviroment to work on the project aside without changing any global properties

  1. Install python-pip sudo apt-get install python-pip

  2. Install virtualenv with sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv

  3. cd to the project folder and choose a name for the virtual env create it by running virtualenv <ve-name>

  4. Activate the environment by running . <ve name>/bin/activate

  5. Note: Once you see (<ve-name>) ubuntu@ip-XX-XX-XX-XX you know you are on the virtualmachine

  6. With the virtual environment active, install the following dependenies (note: with the exception of the libpq-dev package, make sure to not use sudo for any of the package installations as this will cause the packages to be installed globally rather than within the virtualenv):

Install the required libraries

apt-get install python-psycopg2 python-flask
apt-get install python-sqlalchemy python-pip //pip and sql alchemy
pip install --upgrade oauth2client //oauth for login
pip install requests
pip install httplib2
pip install flask-seasurf
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
  1. To make sure everything works fine run python

    It should return a line as such: Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

  2. deactivate is to deactivate the virtual env

Setup Application

Setup apache service

  1. Create a configuration file (itemCatalog.conf) in /etc/apache2/sites-available/ type this into it:
<VirtualHost *:80>
		ServerName XX.XX.XX.XX
		ServerAdmin [email protected]
		WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/itemCatalog/itemCatalog.wsgi
		<Directory /var/www/itemCatalog/itemCatalog/>
			Order allow,deny
			Allow from all
			Options -Indexes
		Alias /static /var/www/itemCatalog/itemCatalog/static
		<Directory /var/www/itemCatalog/itemCatalog/static/>
			Order allow,deny
			Allow from all
			Options -Indexes
		ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
		LogLevel warn
		CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
  1. Run sudo a2ensite itemCatalog to enable the virtual host for apache2

  2. Run sudo service apache2 reload to restart apache

Create a wsgi file for the app

  1. Create itemCatalog.wsgi in the cloned application folder

  2. Edit the file with sudo nano itemCatalog.wsgi and add the following:

activate_this = '/var/www/itemCatalog/itemCatalog/venv/bin/'
execfile(activate_this, dict(__file__=activate_this))

import sys
import logging
sys.path.insert(0, '/var/www/itemCatalog')

from Itemcatalog import app as application

application.secret_key = 'secret'
  1. sudo service apache2 restart to restart apache service

Change DB from SQLite to Postgre

Search for the create_engine in, and change these lines to

engine = create_engine('postgresql://catalog:INSERT_PASSWORD_FOR_DATABASE_HERE@localhost/catalog')

Disable the apache site

  1. Run sudo a2dissite 000-default.conf
  2. Restart the server with sudo service apache2 reload

Setup the schema and populate the DB

  1. Go to itemCatalog directory (cd /var/www/itemCatalog/itemCatalog)
  2. Activate the virtual enviroment . <ve name>/bin/activate in this case it will be . venv/bin/activate
  3. Run python to populate the database, you'll get a response
  4. Restart sudo service apache2 restart
  5. Open the browser through the public ip adress

Additional configurations (Optional)

System Monitoring

glances can help monitor the processes install with sudo apt-get install glances

to set it up for apache and postgres add these lines to the glances config file : /etc/glances/glances.conf

list_1_description=Apache Server

This will show the running processes of postgres and apache and those not running

Some errors encountered and fixes

Server name error

This is actually a warning obtained:

AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message

and could be solved by the following:

  1. open up the /etc/apache2/apache2.conf file

  2. Add in the following line at the end of the file:

  3. ServerName localhost

  4. Restart Apache by running sudo service apache2 restart


Configuring linux servers - Udacity course

Command line basics - Udacity course

Deploying a flask application - Digital Ocean Tutorials

Ubuntu forum - Ask ubuntu for questions on commands

WSGI setup - Parameters for setting up the WSGI configuration files

Stack Overflow and Udacity Forum Posts: system restart required issue;Postgresql error; hyphens and apache


Udacity FSND project 6 : Linux server configuration







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