H5P may accumulate temporary files.
This files should be cleaned up from time to time.
We recommend you to use this cron job plugin.
This cron job also refresh H5P hub list in background.
And delete H5P contents from deleted H5P page components (Only needed for ILIAS 5.2 because newer ILIAS versions supports it native :).
First install and enable H5P repository plugin.
Start at your ILIAS root directory
mkdir -p Customizing/global/plugins/Services/Cron/CronHook
cd Customizing/global/plugins/Services/Cron/CronHook
git clone https://github.com/studer-raimann/H5PCron.git H5PCron
Update and activate the plugin in the ILIAS Plugin Administration
Also have a look to H5PPageComponent.
- ILIAS 5.2 or ILIAS 5.3
- PHP >=5.6
- composer
- H5P repository plugin
Please use it for further development!
- Adjustment suggestions by pull requests on https://git.studer-raimann.ch/ILIAS/Plugins/H5PCron/tree/develop
- Adjustment suggestions which are not yet worked out in detail by Jira tasks under https://jira.studer-raimann.ch/projects/PLH5P
- Bug reports under https://jira.studer-raimann.ch/projects/PLH5P
- For external users please send an email to [email protected]
If you want development in this plugin you should install this plugin like follow:
Start at your ILIAS root directory
mkdir -p Customizing/global/plugins/Services/Cron/CronHook
cd Customizing/global/plugins/Services/Cron/CronHook
git clone -b develop [email protected]:ILIAS/Plugins/H5PCron.git H5PCron
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Setzen Sie eines unserer Plugins professionell ein? Sichern Sie sich mittels SLA die termingerechte Verfügbarkeit dieses Plugins auch für die kommenden ILIAS Versionen. Informieren Sie sich hierzu unter https://studer-raimann.ch/produkte/ilias-plugins/plugin-sla.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir nur Institutionen, welche ein SLA abschliessen Unterstützung und Release-Pflege garantieren.