Simple app to monitor a company on a stock market.
- The app was built using Django, React and PostgreSQL
- Stock data is provided by Alpha Vantage
- Company info is obtained through Autocomplete API
This app is using Docker so make sure you have both: Docker and Docker Compose
To run the app move to the app directory and call
docker-compose up -d
After that verify that all containers are up and working
docker-compose ps
You should see something similar to that:
Name Command State Ports
stock-monitor_backend_1 /app/ Up>8000/tcp
stock-monitor_db_1 postgres Up>5432/tcp
stock-monitor_frontend_1 npm start Up>3000/tcp
To see the app run http://localhost:3000
in your web browser
To run the tests use the following commands
docker-compose run --rm backend python test
docker-compose run --rm frontend npm run test