GOGC is the only parameter to tune the Golang's GC. This project is to automate the tuning of the parameter.
func init() {
NewTuner(false, //when your program is running in Docker env/with cgroup configuration
LowestGOGC: 10, // I recommend set the value as lower as possible, but make it larger than 0. Let this program control it, otherwise it tends to OOM.
HighestGOGC: 1000, // The value can be set very large, the program will control it reasonable
PropertionActiveHeapSizeInTotalMemSize: float64(1.3), //Recommand value is [1.0-1.5]. The value of (HeapInUse/MemoryLimit), the value could be larger than 1
IsToOutputDebugInfo: false, //set it false, when running in prod
You can update the tuning parameters at runtime by invoking the following API. (The updating would be put into effect after 3-6 minutes)
UpdateTuningParam(param TuningParam)
Any problem or suggestion, please contact [email protected]