NEW FEATURES!!! no cookies! landfix always off when you join!!!!!
if you use my version of shavit hud, itll have a thing that tells you if landfix is on!!!
capable of print with shavit print OR without it!!
the landfix that people have been using for years now was an edit made by famously good developer Blank bhop. in a surprise to everyone, i discovered about a year ago that the "cherry" landfix type in his plugin didn't do anything, because somehow Blank bhop forgot to hook the player jump event. this community was rocked to their core when i made this discovery, because it is known that blank bhops is a really good developer and people who own bhop servers are not stupid.
since this was the only plugin really being used, it stands that almost all if not EVERY record set within the last couple of years that uses Landfix has ONLY been able to use Haze Landfix.
so just use haze landfix