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Operate: Team Data

Evan Shimizu edited this page Jan 31, 2019 · 3 revisions

The team data tab displays information for each team, and provides controls for the player popups.

Team Data tab

Team Data Notes

  • Swap Teams - This button swaps all data in the blue team column to the red team column. Useful to prevent caster trolling.
  • Popup Controls - For player-popups.html
    • Display Popups - Clicking on this button will first UPDATE the app (like clicking the update button), and then will run the popups using the settings contained in "Popup Total Time" and "Popup Display Mode".
    • Popup Total Time (s) - How long the popups take to run in seconds. Default is 30.
    • Popup Display Mode - Determines how the popups show up in the overlay
      • **All ** - Displays all of the player popups at the same time (red and blue team). Holds for the number of seconds listed in popup total time
      • All: Blue then Red - Displays all of the popups for the blue team, then the red team. Divides the time listed in popup total time evenly between the two teams.
      • Blue Only - Displays the blue team popups for the duration specified in popup total time
      • Red Only - Displays the red team popups for the duration specified in popup total time
      • One At A Time: All - Displays every player's popup by itself, one at a time. Divides the popup total time evenly between the 10 players.
      • One At A Time: Blue - Displays the five blue team player popups, one at a time. Divides the popup total time evenly between the five players.
      • One At A Time: Red - Displays the five red team player popups, one at a time. Divides the popup total time evenly between the five players.
  • Clear Players - Clears the player and hero fields (for hots).
  • Clear All - Clears everything listed under Blue Team and Red Team
  • Sync Score With Match Data - Checking this option will make sure the match scores are synchronized with the info in the Match tab when an update occurs.

Players, Names, and Logos

  • Team Logo - This can be a standard url (http) or a local file. Use the browse button to find a local file.
  • Player fields - If there are any players in the Player Pool, they will show up as shortcuts if the address book icon is clicked. If there are no players in the pool, there will be no shortcuts in the menu.
  • Hero Fields - For Hots. These fields are searchable. Type a hero name or fragment to search.