crystal library that interacts with the asterisk manager interface (AMI) asyncronously sending actions and reciving events
add to shard.yml
github: edersohe/
branch: master
ami ="", 5038, username: "MyUsername", secret: "MyPassword", events: "all", debug: true)
def print_event_handler(event : AMI::Message)
p event.to_s # AMI message format
p event.to_h # To hash
p event.to_json # To json
ami.action("login", username: "MyUsername", secret: "MyPassword", events: "all").send
ami.action("originate", channel: "PJSIP/6001", context: "from-internal", exten: 100, priority: 1).send
ami.add_handler("Event: ContactStatus\r\n", ->print_event_handler(AMI::Message))
ami.add_handler("Event: Hangup\r\n", ->print_event_handler(AMI::Message))
ami.add_handler("Event: DialEnd\r\n", ->print_event_handler(AMI::Message), permanent: true)
ami.add_handler("Event: DeviceStateChange(.*\r\n)*State: NOT_INUSE", ->print_event_handler(AMI::Message), permanent: true)
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- Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
- Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
- Create a new Pull Request
- edersohe Eder Sosa - creator, maintainer