The primary use of this script is to allow ssh'ing into various machines with different user authentication setups, passwords are placed within the clipboard for ease of access.
Best way is to include the script within your path (.bashrc etc), something akin to:
set PATH=$PATH:/path/to/this/directory
svr <host> [full]
Available options:
-add <host> - Add a new host
-edit <host> - Edit a host, :wq to exit vim and write change
-view <host> - View the host details
-ssh <host> - Connect to this server via SSH
-sftp <host> - Connect to this server via SFTP
-ssh-proxy <host> [<port>] - Configures a socks proxy on specified port or random
-ssh-fwd <host> <remote port> - Configures a listening port bound to the remote port
-lock - Encrypts password file with password (gpg required)
-unlock - Decrypts password file with password (gpg required)
$HOME/.logins (if locked, becomes $HOME/.logins.gpg)
SSH config located at $HOME/config
is used too to manage host connections.