🛠️ Others
Release 7.0.0 with variation support, icons for titles and i18n improvements #74 from eea/develop [ichim-david - a48175f
Added a few upgrade notes regarding 7.0.0 release within [David Ichim - 6c13da1
Added tablist role for the menu section of default and accordion template [David Ichim - 6af71e3
Speed up animation by making max height of accordion to 1000px [David Ichim - beb741a
lint :( [David Ichim - cae4d48
Don't add background when using pointing option [David Ichim - 69d3dfe
modified variable names for clearer context [David Ichim - 8cb0444
Removed extra border when using inverted pointing secondary [David Ichim - 5fab8f1
Add important to menuItemInvertedTextColor item color [David Ichim - 45a5e75
Add cursor to any .ui.item from tabs-block [David Ichim - 1fea949
Make selectors more specific due to semantic ui styling [David Ichim - 1b3e1b5
Set grey bg with text color on inverted secondary menu [David Ichim - f2635a5
Set hover color to white for inverted menu from tabs [David Ichim - 5fcad8e
Fixed space key blocking when tab turns into input after double click [David Ichim - 361fe59
lint fix [David Ichim - 9b6a2b8
Re-organize imports, vs code auto import sucks [David Ichim - 1320e92
Use css animation for accordion from tab [David Ichim - adcbc36
Variations support, tabs can have an icon besides title using Semantic or Image icons #73 from eea/menu-icons [ichim-david - 263dd99
Updated Default Tab test to also check for space key and toggling over menu position [David Ichim - cb3a576
Ensure slick slide is accessible by hiding the visibility on non active slides [David Ichim - e0afc97
Use role presentation for tab-container to avoid the double tab mention while still pleasing eslint-jsx-a11y [David Ichim - 6e29125
Use a negative tab index for responsive tab container [David Ichim - 771997d
Removed focus color change for tabs, let site or browser settings affect the focus styles [David Ichim - 196c38f
Removed .text selector from horizontal responsive since text option isn't on by default anymore [David Ichim - b3adcce
Removed default menuCompact, menuFluid and MenuText [David Ichim - 250551a
Tweak defaults to use fluid secondary pointing class for all templates [David Ichim - b040268
Use default instead of defaultValue in order for options to also appear as checked or unchecked in stock Volto [David Ichim - dadb61f
updated translations with latest additions [David Ichim - d962caa
bring back accordion schema as an enhancer that contained translations [David Ichim - c9b8823
Use full path imports to avoid silent circular imports [David Ichim - 3ae2a73
code cleanup and suggestion fixes given by Pycharm [David Ichim - 599b72e
Export carouselSchemaExtender used for carousel templates [David Ichim - 035a43f
Modify default schema to act as default schema extender [David Ichim - 1c9eb7f
Tabs can now be navigated with tab on edit [David Ichim - 1165b6a
Accordion Edit now uses the MenuItem from Default Edit.jsx [David Ichim - 3d0454a
fixed typo instrunctions [David Ichim - 67af0fe
insert a wait on carousel test since there is a slide in on content [David Ichim - 5018c47
Bump package to 7 [David Ichim - cb24695
Fixed description referencing in Default Edit Template [David Ichim - b0daf12
Linting :( [David Ichim - ac76173
Modified icon sizes to use small, medium and large and style image and icon sizes to be the same [David Ichim - 78a6eb2
Removed AnimateHeight from accordion Edit template [David Ichim - eaa5e00
Use object_browser instead of attached image for image asset type [David Ichim - 29fdb67
lint fix [David Ichim - 18903fb
Fixed missing Tab creation when adding new tab [David Ichim - 4adace2
Set blockSchema in config instead of in Edit.jsx and removed icon description that is eea only [David Ichim - f10230c
Remove duplication of Asset Tab logic by refactoring into own Component [David Ichim - 52d0514
Removed static alt title for image and set tab title to image when hideTitle is enabled [David Ichim - 724f7ff
fix test by having proper variation name that was accordion and not accordionResponsive [David Ichim - 7c47ee0
Added format messages to the default tab schema [David Ichim - d1503e3
Use Volto 16 for Jenkins tests until we are compatible with 17 [David Ichim - 2b67e55
updated test to also handle double click on edit and clicking around tabs [David Ichim - 843f44b
enable pointing and secondary option and added some basic styling for tabs transformed into accordions [David Ichim - 31baef7
avoid double title if icon is enabled and removed rrt styles [David Ichim - b29941f
removed unused parameter variation for linting purposes [David Ichim - 9b4f03e
removed theme set for color and test also enter for horizontal template [David Ichim - d9e846b
lint fix [David Ichim - 8a9f2f8
preserve default markup if we have no icons to renamed accordion template back to Accordion responsive [David Ichim - c5b22cf
fixed merge errors from previous commit and ensured that for schema we have no anonymous defaults [David Ichim - 78eb088
Tests [Tiberiu Ichim - 7ed9a35
Tests [Tiberiu Ichim - d6aea51
Wrong type [Tiberiu Ichim - 4fc0cb1
Merge from develop [Tiberiu Ichim - 9583965
CSS cleanup [kreafox - b4129b4
Remove default value for asset type [kreafox - 7e4a4c6
Fix cypress tests [kreafox - ed5485b
Improve menu icons [kreafox - ed8467e
Menu asset improvements [kreafox - 5d93b2e
Fix default values on templates [kreafox - a3c6a78
Update tab schema fields [kreafox - 257aaca
Use cloneDeepSchema helper from volto [kreafox - d28f571
WIP on schema defaults [Tiberiu Ichim - 351ccd6
WIP on schema defaults [Tiberiu Ichim - f7e344d
WIP: icon/image in menu items [kreafox - 69c35e6
Update block extension mechanism by using variations [kreafox - 8dd2fae
WIP: Tabs block improvements [kreafox - fb7cad8
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