I'm a Software Engineer in Training passionate about learning and building innovative solutions. As I continue to grow my skills, I enjoy exploring new technologies, collaborating on exciting projects, and contributing to open-source communities.
- Learning: Currently diving deep into Web Development and the frameworks of JavaScript.
- Collaboration: Open to collaborating on interesting projects, especially those involving JavaScript Frameworks and tools.
- Languages: C, Python, HTML and CSS, JavaScript, a bit of NodeJS and PHP.
- Frameworks & Libraries: TailWind CSS, SCSS and ReactJS.
- Tools: Visual Studio Code, envato elements, coolors and pinterest.
- Contribute to Open Source: Looking forward to making meaningful contributions to open-source projects.
- Build: Create and launch an amazing UI and also a fully functional optimized website with a classic backend.
- GitHub: https://github.com/efemeroyal
- Email: [email protected]