All URIs are relative to http://localhost/api/v3
Method | HTTP request | Description |
rbac_permissions_assigned_by_roles_assign_create | POST /rbac/permissions/assigned_by_roles/{uuid}/assign/ | |
rbac_permissions_assigned_by_roles_list | GET /rbac/permissions/assigned_by_roles/ | |
rbac_permissions_assigned_by_roles_unassign_partial_update | PATCH /rbac/permissions/assigned_by_roles/{uuid}/unassign/ | |
rbac_permissions_assigned_by_users_assign_create | POST /rbac/permissions/assigned_by_users/{id}/assign/ | |
rbac_permissions_assigned_by_users_list | GET /rbac/permissions/assigned_by_users/ | |
rbac_permissions_assigned_by_users_unassign_partial_update | PATCH /rbac/permissions/assigned_by_users/{id}/unassign/ | |
rbac_permissions_list | GET /rbac/permissions/ | |
rbac_permissions_retrieve | GET /rbac/permissions/{id}/ | |
rbac_permissions_roles_list | GET /rbac/permissions/roles/ | |
rbac_permissions_users_list | GET /rbac/permissions/users/ | |
rbac_roles_create | POST /rbac/roles/ | |
rbac_roles_destroy | DELETE /rbac/roles/{uuid}/ | |
rbac_roles_list | GET /rbac/roles/ | |
rbac_roles_partial_update | PATCH /rbac/roles/{uuid}/ | |
rbac_roles_retrieve | GET /rbac/roles/{uuid}/ | |
rbac_roles_update | PUT /rbac/roles/{uuid}/ | |
rbac_roles_used_by_list | GET /rbac/roles/{uuid}/used_by/ |
rbac_permissions_assigned_by_roles_assign_create(uuid, permission_assign_request)
Assign permission(s) to role. When object_pk
is set, the permissions are only assigned to the specific object, otherwise they are assigned globally.
Name | Type | Description | Required | Notes |
uuid | uuid::Uuid | A UUID string identifying this Role. | [required] | |
permission_assign_request | PermissionAssignRequest | [required] |
(empty response body)
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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models::PaginatedRoleAssignedObjectPermissionList rbac_permissions_assigned_by_roles_list(model, object_pk, ordering, page, page_size, search)
Get assigned object permissions for a single object
Name | Type | Description | Required | Notes |
model | String | * authentik_tenants.domain - Domain * authentik_crypto.certificatekeypair - Certificate-Key Pair * authentik_flows.flow - Flow * authentik_flows.flowstagebinding - Flow Stage Binding * authentik_outposts.dockerserviceconnection - Docker Service-Connection * authentik_outposts.kubernetesserviceconnection - Kubernetes Service-Connection * authentik_outposts.outpost - Outpost * authentik_policies_dummy.dummypolicy - Dummy Policy * authentik_policies_event_matcher.eventmatcherpolicy - Event Matcher Policy * authentik_policies_expiry.passwordexpirypolicy - Password Expiry Policy * authentik_policies_expression.expressionpolicy - Expression Policy * authentik_policies_password.passwordpolicy - Password Policy * authentik_policies_reputation.reputationpolicy - Reputation Policy * authentik_policies.policybinding - Policy Binding * authentik_providers_ldap.ldapprovider - LDAP Provider * authentik_providers_oauth2.scopemapping - Scope Mapping * authentik_providers_oauth2.oauth2provider - OAuth2/OpenID Provider * authentik_providers_proxy.proxyprovider - Proxy Provider * authentik_providers_radius.radiusprovider - Radius Provider * authentik_providers_saml.samlprovider - SAML Provider * authentik_providers_saml.samlpropertymapping - SAML Property Mapping * authentik_providers_scim.scimprovider - SCIM Provider * authentik_providers_scim.scimmapping - SCIM Mapping * authentik_rbac.role - Role * authentik_sources_ldap.ldapsource - LDAP Source * authentik_sources_ldap.ldappropertymapping - LDAP Property Mapping * authentik_sources_oauth.oauthsource - OAuth Source * authentik_sources_oauth.useroauthsourceconnection - User OAuth Source Connection * authentik_sources_plex.plexsource - Plex Source * authentik_sources_plex.plexsourceconnection - User Plex Source Connection * authentik_sources_saml.samlsource - SAML Source * authentik_sources_saml.usersamlsourceconnection - User SAML Source Connection * authentik_stages_authenticator_duo.authenticatorduostage - Duo Authenticator Setup Stage * authentik_stages_authenticator_duo.duodevice - Duo Device * authentik_stages_authenticator_sms.authenticatorsmsstage - SMS Authenticator Setup Stage * authentik_stages_authenticator_sms.smsdevice - SMS Device * authentik_stages_authenticator_static.authenticatorstaticstage - Static Authenticator Setup Stage * authentik_stages_authenticator_static.staticdevice - Static Device * authentik_stages_authenticator_totp.authenticatortotpstage - TOTP Authenticator Setup Stage * authentik_stages_authenticator_totp.totpdevice - TOTP Device * authentik_stages_authenticator_validate.authenticatorvalidatestage - Authenticator Validation Stage * authentik_stages_authenticator_webauthn.authenticatewebauthnstage - WebAuthn Authenticator Setup Stage * authentik_stages_authenticator_webauthn.webauthndevice - WebAuthn Device * authentik_stages_captcha.captchastage - Captcha Stage * authentik_stages_consent.consentstage - Consent Stage * authentik_stages_consent.userconsent - User Consent * authentik_stages_deny.denystage - Deny Stage * authentik_stages_dummy.dummystage - Dummy Stage * authentik_stages_email.emailstage - Email Stage * authentik_stages_identification.identificationstage - Identification Stage * authentik_stages_invitation.invitationstage - Invitation Stage * authentik_stages_invitation.invitation - Invitation * authentik_stages_password.passwordstage - Password Stage * authentik_stages_prompt.prompt - Prompt * authentik_stages_prompt.promptstage - Prompt Stage * authentik_stages_user_delete.userdeletestage - User Delete Stage * authentik_stages_user_login.userloginstage - User Login Stage * authentik_stages_user_logout.userlogoutstage - User Logout Stage * authentik_stages_user_write.userwritestage - User Write Stage * authentik_brands.brand - Brand * authentik_blueprints.blueprintinstance - Blueprint Instance * - Group * authentik_core.user - User * authentik_core.application - Application * authentik_core.token - Token * authentik_enterprise.license - License * authentik_providers_rac.racprovider - RAC Provider * authentik_providers_rac.endpoint - RAC Endpoint * authentik_providers_rac.racpropertymapping - RAC Property Mapping * authentik_events.event - Event * authentik_events.notificationtransport - Notification Transport * authentik_events.notification - Notification * authentik_events.notificationrule - Notification Rule * authentik_events.notificationwebhookmapping - Webhook Mapping |
[required] | |
object_pk | Option<String> | |||
ordering | Option<String> | Which field to use when ordering the results. | ||
page | Option<i32> | A page number within the paginated result set. | ||
page_size | Option<i32> | Number of results to return per page. | ||
search | Option<String> | A search term. |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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rbac_permissions_assigned_by_roles_unassign_partial_update(uuid, patched_permission_assign_request)
Unassign permission(s) to role. When object_pk
is set, the permissions are only assigned to the specific object, otherwise they are assigned globally.
Name | Type | Description | Required | Notes |
uuid | uuid::Uuid | A UUID string identifying this Role. | [required] | |
patched_permission_assign_request | Option<PatchedPermissionAssignRequest> |
(empty response body)
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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rbac_permissions_assigned_by_users_assign_create(id, permission_assign_request)
Assign permission(s) to user
Name | Type | Description | Required | Notes |
id | i32 | A unique integer value identifying this User. | [required] | |
permission_assign_request | PermissionAssignRequest | [required] |
(empty response body)
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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models::PaginatedUserAssignedObjectPermissionList rbac_permissions_assigned_by_users_list(model, object_pk, ordering, page, page_size, search)
Get assigned object permissions for a single object
Name | Type | Description | Required | Notes |
model | String | * authentik_tenants.domain - Domain * authentik_crypto.certificatekeypair - Certificate-Key Pair * authentik_flows.flow - Flow * authentik_flows.flowstagebinding - Flow Stage Binding * authentik_outposts.dockerserviceconnection - Docker Service-Connection * authentik_outposts.kubernetesserviceconnection - Kubernetes Service-Connection * authentik_outposts.outpost - Outpost * authentik_policies_dummy.dummypolicy - Dummy Policy * authentik_policies_event_matcher.eventmatcherpolicy - Event Matcher Policy * authentik_policies_expiry.passwordexpirypolicy - Password Expiry Policy * authentik_policies_expression.expressionpolicy - Expression Policy * authentik_policies_password.passwordpolicy - Password Policy * authentik_policies_reputation.reputationpolicy - Reputation Policy * authentik_policies.policybinding - Policy Binding * authentik_providers_ldap.ldapprovider - LDAP Provider * authentik_providers_oauth2.scopemapping - Scope Mapping * authentik_providers_oauth2.oauth2provider - OAuth2/OpenID Provider * authentik_providers_proxy.proxyprovider - Proxy Provider * authentik_providers_radius.radiusprovider - Radius Provider * authentik_providers_saml.samlprovider - SAML Provider * authentik_providers_saml.samlpropertymapping - SAML Property Mapping * authentik_providers_scim.scimprovider - SCIM Provider * authentik_providers_scim.scimmapping - SCIM Mapping * authentik_rbac.role - Role * authentik_sources_ldap.ldapsource - LDAP Source * authentik_sources_ldap.ldappropertymapping - LDAP Property Mapping * authentik_sources_oauth.oauthsource - OAuth Source * authentik_sources_oauth.useroauthsourceconnection - User OAuth Source Connection * authentik_sources_plex.plexsource - Plex Source * authentik_sources_plex.plexsourceconnection - User Plex Source Connection * authentik_sources_saml.samlsource - SAML Source * authentik_sources_saml.usersamlsourceconnection - User SAML Source Connection * authentik_stages_authenticator_duo.authenticatorduostage - Duo Authenticator Setup Stage * authentik_stages_authenticator_duo.duodevice - Duo Device * authentik_stages_authenticator_sms.authenticatorsmsstage - SMS Authenticator Setup Stage * authentik_stages_authenticator_sms.smsdevice - SMS Device * authentik_stages_authenticator_static.authenticatorstaticstage - Static Authenticator Setup Stage * authentik_stages_authenticator_static.staticdevice - Static Device * authentik_stages_authenticator_totp.authenticatortotpstage - TOTP Authenticator Setup Stage * authentik_stages_authenticator_totp.totpdevice - TOTP Device * authentik_stages_authenticator_validate.authenticatorvalidatestage - Authenticator Validation Stage * authentik_stages_authenticator_webauthn.authenticatewebauthnstage - WebAuthn Authenticator Setup Stage * authentik_stages_authenticator_webauthn.webauthndevice - WebAuthn Device * authentik_stages_captcha.captchastage - Captcha Stage * authentik_stages_consent.consentstage - Consent Stage * authentik_stages_consent.userconsent - User Consent * authentik_stages_deny.denystage - Deny Stage * authentik_stages_dummy.dummystage - Dummy Stage * authentik_stages_email.emailstage - Email Stage * authentik_stages_identification.identificationstage - Identification Stage * authentik_stages_invitation.invitationstage - Invitation Stage * authentik_stages_invitation.invitation - Invitation * authentik_stages_password.passwordstage - Password Stage * authentik_stages_prompt.prompt - Prompt * authentik_stages_prompt.promptstage - Prompt Stage * authentik_stages_user_delete.userdeletestage - User Delete Stage * authentik_stages_user_login.userloginstage - User Login Stage * authentik_stages_user_logout.userlogoutstage - User Logout Stage * authentik_stages_user_write.userwritestage - User Write Stage * authentik_brands.brand - Brand * authentik_blueprints.blueprintinstance - Blueprint Instance * - Group * authentik_core.user - User * authentik_core.application - Application * authentik_core.token - Token * authentik_enterprise.license - License * authentik_providers_rac.racprovider - RAC Provider * authentik_providers_rac.endpoint - RAC Endpoint * authentik_providers_rac.racpropertymapping - RAC Property Mapping * authentik_events.event - Event * authentik_events.notificationtransport - Notification Transport * authentik_events.notification - Notification * authentik_events.notificationrule - Notification Rule * authentik_events.notificationwebhookmapping - Webhook Mapping |
[required] | |
object_pk | Option<String> | |||
ordering | Option<String> | Which field to use when ordering the results. | ||
page | Option<i32> | A page number within the paginated result set. | ||
page_size | Option<i32> | Number of results to return per page. | ||
search | Option<String> | A search term. |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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rbac_permissions_assigned_by_users_unassign_partial_update(id, patched_permission_assign_request)
Unassign permission(s) to user. When object_pk
is set, the permissions are only assigned to the specific object, otherwise they are assigned globally.
Name | Type | Description | Required | Notes |
id | i32 | A unique integer value identifying this User. | [required] | |
patched_permission_assign_request | Option<PatchedPermissionAssignRequest> |
(empty response body)
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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models::PaginatedPermissionList rbac_permissions_list(codename, content_type__app_label, content_type__model, ordering, page, page_size, role, search, user)
Read-only list of all permissions, filterable by model and app
Name | Type | Description | Required | Notes |
codename | Option<String> | |||
content_type__app_label | Option<String> | |||
content_type__model | Option<String> | |||
ordering | Option<String> | Which field to use when ordering the results. | ||
page | Option<i32> | A page number within the paginated result set. | ||
page_size | Option<i32> | Number of results to return per page. | ||
role | Option<String> | |||
search | Option<String> | A search term. | ||
user | Option<i32> |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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models::Permission rbac_permissions_retrieve(id)
Read-only list of all permissions, filterable by model and app
Name | Type | Description | Required | Notes |
id | i32 | A unique integer value identifying this permission. | [required] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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models::PaginatedExtraRoleObjectPermissionList rbac_permissions_roles_list(uuid, ordering, page, page_size, search)
Get a role's assigned object permissions
Name | Type | Description | Required | Notes |
uuid | uuid::Uuid | [required] | ||
ordering | Option<String> | Which field to use when ordering the results. | ||
page | Option<i32> | A page number within the paginated result set. | ||
page_size | Option<i32> | Number of results to return per page. | ||
search | Option<String> | A search term. |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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models::PaginatedExtraUserObjectPermissionList rbac_permissions_users_list(user_id, ordering, page, page_size, search)
Get a users's assigned object permissions
Name | Type | Description | Required | Notes |
user_id | i32 | [required] | ||
ordering | Option<String> | Which field to use when ordering the results. | ||
page | Option<i32> | A page number within the paginated result set. | ||
page_size | Option<i32> | Number of results to return per page. | ||
search | Option<String> | A search term. |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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models::Role rbac_roles_create(role_request)
Role viewset
Name | Type | Description | Required | Notes |
role_request | RoleRequest | [required] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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Role viewset
Name | Type | Description | Required | Notes |
uuid | uuid::Uuid | A UUID string identifying this Role. | [required] |
(empty response body)
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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models::PaginatedRoleList rbac_roles_list(group__name, ordering, page, page_size, search)
Role viewset
Name | Type | Description | Required | Notes |
group__name | Option<String> | |||
ordering | Option<String> | Which field to use when ordering the results. | ||
page | Option<i32> | A page number within the paginated result set. | ||
page_size | Option<i32> | Number of results to return per page. | ||
search | Option<String> | A search term. |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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models::Role rbac_roles_partial_update(uuid, patched_role_request)
Role viewset
Name | Type | Description | Required | Notes |
uuid | uuid::Uuid | A UUID string identifying this Role. | [required] | |
patched_role_request | Option<PatchedRoleRequest> |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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models::Role rbac_roles_retrieve(uuid)
Role viewset
Name | Type | Description | Required | Notes |
uuid | uuid::Uuid | A UUID string identifying this Role. | [required] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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models::Role rbac_roles_update(uuid, role_request)
Role viewset
Name | Type | Description | Required | Notes |
uuid | uuid::Uuid | A UUID string identifying this Role. | [required] | |
role_request | RoleRequest | [required] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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Vecmodels::UsedBy rbac_roles_used_by_list(uuid)
Get a list of all objects that use this object
Name | Type | Description | Required | Notes |
uuid | uuid::Uuid | A UUID string identifying this Role. | [required] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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