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Les Jours

Common tasks

Task name Description
default Launch clean then build
clean Remove the dist folder
build Build the whole website. Launch sequentially build:img, build:css:img, build:svg, build:css:svg, build:js and build:html
watch Launch build then listen for changes in the src files (and subfolders) and launch the appropriate task (e.g. changing an HTML file will launch the build:html task)

Edit the gulpfile.js to change the root variable if the website have to be hosted in a subfolder (e.g. root = '' if the website is hosted in ; root = '/v1' if the website is hosted in

Advanced tasks

Task name Description
build:img Launch sequentially optimize:img and copy:img
build:css:img Launch sequentially optimize:css:img and copy:css:img
build:svg Launch sequentially optimize:svg, sprite:svg and copy:svg
build:css:svg Launch sequentially optimize:css:svg, sprite:css:svg and copy:css:svg
build:js Minify and copy to dist all JS files present at the root of the src/js folder
build:js:components Concatenate, minify and copy to dist all JS files present in a subfolder of the src/js folder
build:html Build the HTML pages from the src/pages folder and copy their assets. If a JSON file having the same name as the folder's name it will be used as data to inject. This file must have a template property matching a file in the src/templates folder.
lint Launch in parallel lint:sass, lint:css and lint:js
lint:sass Lint the .scss and .sass files in the src/css folder and subfolders
lint:css Lint the .css files in the src/css folder and subfolders
lint:js Lint the .js files in the src/js folder and subfolders
optimize:img Optimize the images (.ico, .gif, .jpg and .png) in the src/img folder (will change the files). Disabled for now since sometimes it destroys the images.
optimize:css:img Optimize the images (.ico, .gif, .jpg and .png) in the src/css/img folder (will change the files). Disabled for now since sometimes it destroys the images.
copy:img Copy the images files (.ico, .gif, .jpg and .png) from the src/img folder (and subfolders) to the dist/img folder (keeping subfolders)
copy:css:img Copy the images files (.ico, .gif, .jpg and .png) from the src/css/img folder (and subfolders) to the dist/css/img folder (keeping subfolders)
optimize:svg Optimize the SVG files in the src/img folder (will change the files)
optimize:css:svg Optimize the SVG files in the src/css/img folder (will change the files)
sprite:svg Sprite the SVG files present in subfolders of the src/img folder (e.g. SVG files in the src/img/foo folder will be compiled in a src/img/foo.svg file)
sprite:css:svg Sprite the SVG files present in subfolders of the src/css/img folder (e.g. SVG files in the src/css/img/foo folder will be compiled in a src/css/img/foo.svg file)
copy:svg Copy the SVG files from the src/img folder (and subfolders) to the dist/img folder (keeping subfolders)
copy:css:svg Copy the SVG files from the src/css/img folder (and subfolders) to the dist/css/img folder (keeping subfolders)