This project's goal is to provide a simple but powerful robot for XMPP protocol.
in order to compile this project, you need to install libstrophe.
to compile the project, run:
in bash
responser is a part of mybot-xmpp that tries to response the incoming message as much as human like. this module is need to grow larger for better answers and much smarter.
responser requires a file with the following format, '#' flag uses for comments, so you can put this as a header of your response file. here is an example of a simple response file, when someone joins the room it uses "hi" or "hello" or "welcome" randomaticaly. ( the use of '|' character to say "or" ) and when someone said "hi" or "hello"(perl regex) robot will answer "hello".
# input format :
# q question regex; r response
# "q":{"r"|"r"|...}
# pre-compiled strings:
# $id id of bot (can be used in question string)
# $uid id of addressed person(who bot talking to) or user id
# $room room name (can be used in question string)
# $time get's current time(%H:%M:%S)
# $day get current's day time
# $bash execute a bash command and get result replace(i.e $bash{ls}) or
# it can only run a command silencely, i.e $bash[ls]
# $1-9 regex substrings
# Options:
# !private (default)
# !admin
# !public
# !case-insensitive (default)
# !case-sensitive
# !welcome ; all flags will reset to default after first line of this flag
! welcome
it is the most basic example of response file, you can use pre-compiled strings, $bash flag to run bash commands get from user command(use with caution) as follows:
"exe (.*)":"$bash{$1}"
as this will execute every command after "exe" string(only when bot admin says), like "exe ls".