This project creates a Gollum docker image - "Gollum is a simple wiki system based on top of Git".
- Gollum wiki which can be used as a web browser front end for VimWiki
- Python Pygments for better syntax highlighting capability
Pull the image from docker hub:
docker image pull elcfd/gollum:latest
To run the container:
docker container run -d --restart=unless-stopped -v /path/to/wiki/folder/:/wiki -p 8000:80 elcfd/gollum:latest
NB. The Dockerfile specifies the port that gollum runs on as 80.
The following dependencies are required for development:
- docker
- task
The Dockerhub image parameters are specified at the top of the image creator so if required edit this.
The command to build is:
task VERSION=<version> build
The command to push the built images is:
task VERSION=<version> release
NB. Successful authentication with Dockerhub must have been completed before running this command.