What's Changed
- ✨ refactoring with react and new design by @fpasquet in #910
- feat: add feed RSS by @fpasquet in #913
- Correct author information on readme.md by @Pouzor in #919
- add author clairejojo by @ElevenTom in #921
- feat: add deploy storybook on github pages by @fpasquet in #924
- add author roxannemcd by @ElevenTom in #920
- feat: add unit tests by @fpasquet in #923
- fix UI: missing space between authors names on the article page by @fpasquet in #926
- Create 2023-04-20-comment-choisir-parmi-scrum-kanban-safe.md by @Pouzor in #925
- feat: add watching on markdown by @fpasquet in #922
- Add gcunsolo author by @gcunsolo in #927
- feat: update empty avatar img by @fpasquet in #928
- fix: author avatar image is not displayed by @fpasquet in #929
- fix: allow any extension for the avatar image by @fpasquet in #931
- fix: react router remove end trailing slash from the urls by @fpasquet in #932
- feat: clean author markdown by @fpasquet in #933
- feat: clean post markdown by @fpasquet in #934
- Init article Archimate by @Pouzor in #930
- fix 2023-05-03-archi-modelisation.md by @lepiaf in #936
- Add article on javascript debug by @gcunsolo in #935
- Fix - Responsive video by @gcunsolo in #937
- fix: remove syntax markdown not standard by @fpasquet in #938
- feat: migrate jest to vitest by @fpasquet in #939
- Create 2023-06-07-agile-travail-distance.md by @RoxanneMcd in #944
- feat: add article "Design Tokens cooperation entre developpeurs & designers" by @fpasquet in #950
- fix: deploy fail when validate markdown by @fpasquet in #948
- feat: add social networks to author page by @fpasquet in #953
- fix: size of container by @fpasquet in #955
- fix: validate markdown by @fpasquet in #956
- fix: json+ld content on all pages by @fpasquet in #959
- fix seo: updated hn, added SearchAction json ld and corrected category links by @fpasquet in #961
- feat: add sitemap and fix url for author and post page by @fpasquet in #963
- fix: remove dev version react and upgrade libs by @fpasquet in #964
- :feat: ✨ Create ShareLinks component by @RedHotMan in #965
- feat: validate asset path by @fpasquet in #969
- feat: remove old syntax in markdown by @fpasquet in #970
- feat: remove old img tag in markdown by @fpasquet in #971
- Add comment-creer-de-la-dette-technique-des-le-debut-d-un-nouveau-projet by @ElevenMarianne in #972
- Feat/add post comprendre et personnaliser ses docker by @kevinadorais in #967
- feat: configuring ga4 in gtm by @fpasquet in #973
- feat: add custom event for ga4 by @fpasquet in #979
- fix: deprecating set-output commands github actions by @fpasquet in #978
- fix: sort search by date by @fpasquet in #984
- fix: correct assets path for img by @Shad-Z in #991
- feat: add integration mermaid diagram by @fpasquet in #994
- Fix: Workflow PR Closed by @fpasquet in #997
- Article EDD by @MarieMinasyan in #989
- Update 2023-10-23-event-driven-architecture.md by @ElevenTom in #1001
- new article: how to git gud by @Shad-Z in #990
- fix article archi-modelisation img and typo by @ElevenMarianne in #1002
- feat: prepare content migration codelabs by @fpasquet in #998
- fix: typo article 'les-commandes-git' by @fpasquet in #1003
- feat: add design system article by @fpasquet in #999
- feat: changes path assets by @fpasquet in #1006
- feat: add codelabs content to the blog by @fpasquet in #987
- migrate graphql avec apollo (codelabs) by @meugeniatr in #1007
- fix: typo articles les commandes git by @fpasquet in #1008
- migrate graphql avec symfony (codelabs) by @meugeniatr in #1011
- Migrate microservice avec go et grpc (codelabs) by @meugeniatr in #1012
- Migrate Créer votre player Netflix avec Exoplayer (codelabs) by @meugeniatr in #1016
- Migrate gitlab-ci avec une application js (codelabs) by @meugeniatr in #1013
- Migrate apollo rest cache (codelabs) by @meugeniatr in #1014
- Migrate Gestion d'environnement avec Google Cloud Storage et GitlabCI… by @meugeniatr in #1015
- fix: style of tutorial stepper by @fpasquet in #1018
- Migrate Créez un chat avec Mercure et Symfony (codelabs) by @meugeniatr in #1017
- feat: update search result by @fpasquet in #1020
- feat: add tutorial filter to list page by @fpasquet in #1019
- Feature/highlighted post preview by @meugeniatr in #1004
- fix: highlighted post preview by @fpasquet in #1022
- Article - Atomic Design by @RedHotMan in #1005
- feat: Update author page for charles-eric by @ch3ric in #1024
- fix: avoid react warnings by @ch3ric in #1026
- fix: expose port for hot reload via docker-compose by @ch3ric in #1028
- fix: typo in 404 page by @ch3ric in #1030
- fix: Correct syntax by @RedHotMan in #1029
- fix: feedbacks css tutorial stepper by @fpasquet in #1032
- fix: typo author fpasquet by @fpasquet in #1031
- feat: add article micro frontend by @fpasquet in #1027
- fix: react keys to avoid warnings and authors being mixed up by @ch3ric in #1037
- fix: microfrontend article typos by @ch3ric in #1035
- new article: system props by @KevinDung in #1023
- feat: Article REX plateforme data by @lepiaf in #988
- Update 2023-11-14-rex-plateforme-data.md by @ElevenTom in #1040
- fix: apply feedback for rex data platforme by @lepiaf in #1041
- publication: rex custom components react varnish esi by @fpasquet in #1034
- Article - Construire un Design System robuste avec react: les fondations essentielles by @RedHotMan in #1039
- feat: add post preview clickable by @fpasquet in #1043
- feat: add article integration crm by @younesdiouri in #1042
- fix: nantes offices address by @ch3ric in #1047
- feat: SEO: increase number of articles per page by @ch3ric in #1048
- feat: add contact form link in footer by @ch3ric in #1049
- feat: remove cookie consent bar to replace by axept.io by @ch3ric in #1046
- feat: SEO: update footer text content by @ch3ric in #1050
- fix: SEO: fix broken links by @ch3ric in #1045
- Feat: Update user Nicolas by @nicolas-grevin in #1053
- ✨ New article : Generics in PHP by @ArthurJCQ in #980
- Feat: New codelabs about composition & generics (PHP Symfo) by @ArthurJCQ in #1033
- Article : ExpressionLanguage : Comment utiliser ce composant Symfony ? by @ElevenMarianne in #1038
- Update 2024-01-17-expressionlanguage-comment-utiliser-ce-composant-sy… by @ElevenTom in #1054
- feat: validate headings in markdown by @fpasquet in #1060
- feat(article): Add article "Quelques conseils pour optimiser votre environnement de travail sous Linux by @nicolas-grevin in #1062
- feat(aws) Move aws regions by @nicolas-grevin in #1063
- fix typo by @lepiaf in #1064
- feat(infra): Move aws s3 for dev by @nicolas-grevin in #1065
- feat(action): Fix aws config by @nicolas-grevin in #1066
- feat(action) Update deploy prod by @nicolas-grevin in #1067
- fix(action) Update environment by @nicolas-grevin in #1068
- fix(action) Fix cache invalidation by @nicolas-grevin in #1069
- fix(action) Rename cloudfront distribustion id sercret name by @nicolas-grevin in #1070
- fix(deploy): Update bucket name after add cloudfront in staging by @nicolas-grevin in #1072
- fix: links no follow by @fpasquet in #1075
- fix: heading articles by @fpasquet in #1074
- fix(ci) Fix clean cache for staging by @nicolas-grevin in #1077
- feat(cd): use environment variables for pipeline by @fpasquet in #1078
- fix: 404 page by @fpasquet in #1071
- feat: add tuto chromatic by @AliceLeRaptor in #1079
- Article : Retour sur la Flowcon 2024 by @ElevenMarianne in #1085
New Contributors
- @gcunsolo made their first contribution in #927
- @RoxanneMcd made their first contribution in #944
- @RedHotMan made their first contribution in #965
- @kevinadorais made their first contribution in #967
- @Shad-Z made their first contribution in #991
- @AliceLeRaptor made their first contribution in #1079
Full Changelog: V1-with-jekyll...v2