My personal vim config; on github so I don't need to configure vim by hand on every machine
Just save the file "vimrc" as "~/.vim/vimrc"
added set background=dark to tell vim I am using a terminal with a dark theme, as I alway use a dark themed terminal, this makes sense for me
set background=dark
Insert “tabstop” number of spaces when the “tab” key is pressed. tabstop Indent using four spaces.
set smarttab set tabstop=4 set expandtab
ignorecase: Ignore case when searching. smartcase: Automatically switch search to case-sensitive when search query contains an uppercase letter.
set ignorecase set smartcase
scrolloff: The number of screen lines to keep above and below the cursor. sidescrolloff: The number of screen columns to keep to the left and right of the cursor. syntax enable: Enable syntax highlighting.
set scrolloff=4 set sidescrolloff=8 syntax enable
laststatus: Always display the status bar.
ruler: Always show cursor position.
cursorline: Highlight the line currently under cursor.
visualbell: Flash the screen instead of beeping on errors.
title: Set the window’s title, reflecting the file currently being edited.
set laststatus=2 set ruler set cursorline set visualbell set title
statusline: Set all kinds usefull info in the statusline It can be a kind of rabbithole, for now the result is: [FileName: ~/.vim/vimrc[+]] [FileType: unix] [FileFormat: [vim]] - [Line: 0043 Column: 003 Pos: 75%] - [Char: ASCII=000 HEX=00]
set statusline=[FileName:\ %F%m%r%h%w]\ [FileType:\ %{&ff}]\ [FileFormat:\ %y] set statusline+=\ \ -\ \ set statusline+=[Line:\ %04l\ Column:\ %03v\ Pos:\ %p%%] set statusline+=\ \ -\ \ set statusline+=[Char:\ ASCII=%03.3b\ HEX=%02.2B]
Do not show numbers on the left side of the window (it is horrible when copy-paste by mouse selection)
set nonumber
confirm: Display a confirmation dialog when closing an unsaved file.
set confirm