Example of setup where 2 sources are defined CMS and PIM. PIM products have prices defined per customer (for B2B). Desired outcome is to display product prices per customer, without exposing prices for other customers.
Created source named "cms-example"
"sourceId": "gid://Source/79c32351-34c8-4935-be52-390fb5a3e43e",
"id": "gid://Source/79c32351-34c8-4935-be52-390fb5a3e43e/Entity/cms-id-1",
"type": "productPage",
"originId": "cms-id-1",
"originParentId": "",
"url": "/products/coca-cola",
"redirects": [],
"properties": {
"name": "Coca-Cola",
"description": "We are here to refresh the world and make a difference. Learn more about the Coca-Cola Company, our brands, and how we strive to do business the right way.",
"sku": "12345678",
// NOTE: you can include some of non-protected PIM product information too!
Created source named "pim-example"
"sourceId": "gid://Source/ee3a84d5-9163-4009-b5ab-c48cc024a1b0",
"id": "gid://Source/ee3a84d5-9163-4009-b5ab-c48cc024a1b0/Entity/pim-id-1",
"type": "product",
"originId": "pim-id-1",
"originParentId": null,
"url": null,
"redirects": [],
"properties": {
"sku": "12345678",
"inStock": true,
"prices": {
"default": 20,
"customer1": 10,
"customer2": 15
Concept is to push sensitive information only to 'protected' environment. So we create 2 environments - Production
and Protected production
Each of them has their own environment client. Production
environment client is something that can be publicly available if needed, but Protected production
environmenet client key must be kept as a secret.
"sourceEntityTypes": [
"route": {
"url": "{url}"
"properties": {
"name": "{p.name}",
"description": "{p.description}",
"sku": "{p.sku}",
// OPTIONAL. I like to have it here to act as a contract and being visible to all parties.
"price": "<SET-PER-CUSTOMER>"
Deploy this schema only to Production
environment and for CMS
source (or also to PIM
source if you have PIM
enriched mapping).
"sourceEntityTypes": [
"route": {
"handles": [
"properties": {
"*": "p.prices"
Deploy this schema only to Protected production
environment and only for PIM
Enterspeed is not responsible for figuring out who is current end user and what company he belongs to, it is part that you have the knowledge for your specific use case and business.
For this example, we are going to setup separate layer in front of Enterspeeds delivery API, that will be used to retrieve products information with proper enrichment based on the callers company.
Current simplified snippet is extreme happy flow, that doesn't include actual JWT validation rules or company retrieval approach for caller, since it is very specific per implementation and requirements.
public async Task<IActionResult> Run(
[HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", Route = null)] HttpRequest req)
// Validate JWT and try to retrieve callers company identifier
var customerId = string.Empty;
if (req.TryValidateJwt(out var User))
customerId = User.CustomerId;
var url = req.Query["url"].ToString();
// Arrange dependencies
var configuration = new EnterspeedDeliveryConfiguration();
var configurationProvider = new InMemoryConfigurationProvider(configuration);
var deliveryConnection = new EnterspeedDeliveryConnection(configurationProvider);
var serializer = new SystemTextJsonSerializer();
var deliveryService = new EnterspeedDeliveryService(deliveryConnection, configurationProvider, serializer);
// Retrieve product info (CMS), use public key
var productResponse = await deliveryService.Fetch("PUBLIC-ENV-CLIENT-KEY", (b) => b.WithUrl(url));
// Retrieve product prices (PIM), use protected key
var pimProductResponse = await deliveryService.Fetch("PROTECTED-ENV-CLIENT-KEY", (b) => b.WithHandle($"products/{productResponse.Response.Route["sku"]}/prices"));
var productPrices = (Dictionary<string, object>)pimProductResponse.Response.Views["productPrices"];
// Map current customers price, or fallback to 'default' price
productResponse.Response.Route["price"] = productPrices.ContainsKey(customerId) ? productPrices[customerId] : productPrices["default"];
return new OkObjectResult(productResponse);
Caller corresponds to Customer1
curl -H 'Accept: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer ${JWT_TOKEN}" https://{custom-layer-hostname}/api/products?url=/products/coca-cola
"statusCode": 200,
"message": null,
"response": {
"meta": {
"status": 200,
"redirect": null
"route": {
"name": "Coca-Cola",
"description": "We are here to refresh the world and make a difference. Learn more about the Coca-Cola Company, our brands, and how we strive to do business the right way.",
"sku": "12345678",
"price": "10" // Price for current callers customer
"views": {}