Provides syntax highlighting for the probabilistic programming language Dice.
This extension is not on VS Code Marketplace as of right now. You can install it manually by downloading the release and running:
$ code --install-extension dice-vs-code-1.0.1.vsix
Syntax Highlighting for Dice, based on the current syntax:
ident := ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z' '_'] ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z' '0'-'9' '_']*
binop := +, -, *, /, <, <=, >, >=, ==, !=, &&, ||, <=>, ^
expr :=
| true
| false
| int (size, value)
| discrete(list_of_probabilities)
| expr <binop> expr
| (expr, expr)
| fst expr
| snd expr
| ! expr
| flip probability
| observe expr
| if expr then expr else expr
| let ident = expr in expr
type := bool | (type, type) | int(size)
arg := ident: type
function := fun name(arg1, ...) { expr }
program := expr
| function program
as well as for comments.
Lines beginning with // are mapped to comment.line
- true and false are mapped to constant.language
- numbers (integers and floats) are mapped to constant.numeric
- Binops are mapped to keyword.operator.binop
- !, fst, and snd are mapped to keyword.operator.unop
Idents are mapped to
- if-then-else and let-in are mapped to keyword.control.[if/then/else/let/in]
- keyword fun is mapped to keyword.other.function
- function name is mapped to
- parameters are mapped to
- types are mapped to
- observe is mapped to keyword.other.probability.observe
- int(size,value) is mapped to
- discrete(probabilities) is mapped to keyword.other.probability.discrete
- flip probability is mapped to keyword.other.probability.flip
- Punctuations (that aren't operators) are mapped to punctuation.[punctuation-name].[open/close]
- Includes: ()[]{},