sam local invoke SomeFunction -n env.json --skip-pull-image
Using nodejs local
yarn test
sam deploy --guided
- AWS Lambda release runtime nodejs18.x - reference
- AWS Lambda supports ES Modules - reference
- Node.js release experimental Custom Loaders Api - reference
- Node.js release experimental import JSON modules using assert type - reference
- Node.js support Source Maps - reference
- Typescript add support for native Node.js ES Modules - reference
- Esbuild "An extremely fast JavaScript bundler" is becoming popular in the Typescript ecosystem tools because it can be 20~30x faster than vanilla tsc, and therefore, it has been a great game changer for bundlers, how for example Vite that can be 10-100x more performant than its competitors, standing out as faster when need to transpile Typescript font to Javascript with ESM in browser context, so it's a great choice for use on next generation web
- @unjs create a package mlly "Missing ECMAScript module utils for Node.js Resources" for fill Node.js ESM gaps.
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