This code turns an Arduino into a motor controller! It provides a simple serial interface to communicate with a high-level computer (e.g. running ROS), and generates the appropriate PWM signals for a motor driver, to drive two or four dc motors (depending on the driver board) and servos.
This is a fork of the original code, with some changes. Check out
for the original README.
Currenytly I'm using this for 2x Servos to drive a camera platform.
The main functionality provided is to receive servo angle requests over a serial connection, and provide angle feedback. Used commands:
- Get baud rater
- Reset servo angles and motor pwm signals to 0s <panAngle> <tiltAngle>
- Set the servo angles (0-180) for each servo in degreest
- Read the current servo angles, returns<panAngle> <tiltAngle>
Additional commands:
m <PWM1> <PWM2>
- Set the raw PWM speed of each motor (-255 to 255)
- Position limits are set for tilt servo "2nd servo" (10-90) degrees
- Initial position is set to 90 degrees for pan servo "1st servo" and 60 degrees for tilt servo "2nd servo"
- Default baud rate 57600
- Needs carriage return (CR)
- Make sure serial is enabled (user in dialout group)
- Check out the original readme for more