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License: GPL v3 MELPA MELPA Stable


Flycheck support for LanguageTool.


💾 Installation

The instruction to use this plugin.

  1. Download LanguageTool from
  2. Extract on to your local machine.
  3. Consider adding the following snippet to your configuration.
(use-package flycheck-languagetool
  :ensure t
  :hook (text-mode . flycheck-languagetool-setup)
  (setq flycheck-languagetool-server-jar "path/to/LanguageTool-X.X/languagetool-server.jar"))
  1. 🎉 Done! Now open a text file and hit M-x flycheck-mode!

🔧 Configuration

  • flycheck-languagetool-url
  • flycheck-languagetool-server-jar
  • flycheck-languagetool-server-port
  • flycheck-languagetool-active-modes
  • flycheck-languagetool-language (Default "en-US")

📖 Spellchecking

LanguageTool’s spellchecking will be disabled if flyspell-mode is active. Disable flyspell-mode if you would prefer LanguageTool to check for spelling mistakes.


You can find log messages from a local LanguageTool server in a hidden buffer called *LanguageTool server*.


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If you would like to contribute to this project, you may either clone and make pull requests to this repository. Or you can clone the project and establish your own branch of this tool. Any methods are welcome!