Written by: emcd123
For: Summer Internship Programme with the College of mathematics at NUIG(National University of Ireland Galway)
The aim of this project is to study algorithms for factorization of polynomials
over finite fields. Such factorizations are interesting in applications of
finite fields, e.g. coding theory and cryptography, as well as being the key
ingredient in factorizations over other coefficients.
In particular two algorithms will be studied:
Berlekamp's algorithm. This is a deterministic algorithm constructed by
Elwyn Berlekamp in 1967. Until the Cantor-Zassenhaus algorithm (see below)
appeared, this was the main algorithm used. -
The Cantor-Zassenhaus algorithm. This is an algorithm with a lower
computational complexity that was introduced in 1981. In contrast to
Berlekamp's algorithm, it is a probabilistic algorithm.
FinalBerlekamp.sagews CantorZassenhaus.sagews
Contains failed or incomplete attempts at implementing these algorithms
Are simply me attempting to use SageMath
Written using SageMath
Can be installed from http://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/installation/
Or run in the CoCalc(SageMath cloud service) https://cocalc.com/
Define the specified polynomial in the correct variable(U) in either algorithms file
Polynomial should be entered in the form a^(n) + b^(n-1) + ... + constant
The Art Of Programming by Donald E. Knuth