broadway_custom_producer Public
Sample app with a custom producer for Broadway
gh_webhook_plug Public
An Elixir Plug library that makes it easy to setup Github webhooks. Secret verification comes free.
phoenix-tailwind-starter Public
A barebones phoenix framework with tailwindCSS because I keep rebuilding this.
Elixir UpdatedFeb 28, 2021 -
grpc Public
Forked from elixir-grpc/grpcAn Elixir implementation of gRPC
Elixir Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 10, 2020 -
ueberauth_slack Public
Forked from ueberauth/ueberauth_slackSlack OAuth2 Strategy for Überauth
Elixir MIT License UpdatedMar 17, 2020 -
ueberauth_trello Public
Forked from headwayio/ueberauth_trelloUeberauth Trello Strategy
Elixir MIT License UpdatedDec 22, 2019 -
elixir_clustering Public
How to do auto-clustering and process distribution in elixir using libcluster and swarm
ueberauth_example Public
Forked from ueberauth/ueberauth_exampleExample Phoenix application using Überauth for authentication
Elixir MIT License UpdatedMay 29, 2019 -
cloudster Public
Cloudster gem - the fastest way to provision your AWS stack
Kubernetes API client for Elixir
Elixir MIT License UpdatedJun 21, 2018 -
game_scoring Public
Sample code to demonstrate optimizations using Flow
http-echo Public
Forked from hashicorp/http-echoA tiny go web server that echos what you start it with!
Makefile Mozilla Public License 2.0 UpdatedNov 13, 2017 -
nvim-emil Public
Bootstraps my personal neovim using my configs in an isolated directory
UpdatedNov 11, 2017 -
elixir Public
Forked from elixir-lang/elixirElixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications
Elixir Other UpdatedNov 7, 2017 -
flow Public
Forked from dashbitco/flowComputational parallel flows on top of GenStage
Elixir UpdatedAug 8, 2017 -
spec-outline.vim Public
Plugin to open outline of current spec file(Rpsec, Jasmine) in a quickfix window
excoveralls Public
Forked from parroty/excoverallsCoverage report tool for Elixir with coveralls.io integration.
Elixir UpdatedDec 19, 2016 -
phoenix Public
Forked from phoenixframework/phoenixProductive. Reliable. Fast.
Elixir MIT License UpdatedNov 1, 2016 -
neomake Public
Forked from neomake/neomakeA plugin for asynchronous :make using Neovim's job-control functionality
Vim Script MIT License UpdatedSep 5, 2016 -
laboratory-rack Public
A Rack middleware that helps developers use feature switches during development
Ruby MIT License UpdatedAug 28, 2016 -