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emilyriehl committed Sep 29, 2024
1 parent 9227e1e commit e5dead5
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Showing 2 changed files with 5 additions and 331 deletions.
330 changes: 2 additions & 328 deletions InfinityCosmos/ForMathlib/AlgebraicTopology/HomotopyCat.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import InfinityCosmos.Mathlib.AlgebraicTopology.Nerve
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Category.Quiv
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Category.ReflQuiv
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Functor.KanExtension.Adjunction
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Monad.Limits

Expand All @@ -11,15 +11,6 @@ universe v v₁ v₂ u u₁ u₂


-- NB: Copied to Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Category/Cat.lean
theorem Cat.id_eq_id (X : Cat) : 𝟙 X = 𝟭 X := rfl
theorem Cat.comp_eq_comp {X Y Z : Cat} (F : X ⟶ Y) (G : Y ⟶ Z) : F ≫ G = F ⋙ G := rfl
@[simp] theorem Cat.of_α (C) [Category C] : (of C).α = C := rfl

-- NB: Copied to mathlib/CategoryTheory/Category/Quiv.lean
theorem Quiv.id_eq_id (X : Quiv) : 𝟙 X = 𝟭q X := rfl
theorem Quiv.comp_eq_comp {X Y Z : Quiv} (F : X ⟶ Y) (G : Y ⟶ Z) : F ≫ G = F ⋙q G := rfl

-- NB: Copied to Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Quotient.lean
namespace Quotient
variable {C : Type _} [Category C] (r : HomRel C)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -49,323 +40,6 @@ theorem CompClosure.congruence : Congruence fun a b => Relation.EqvGen (@CompClo

end Quotient

-- NB: Copied to ForMathlib/Combinatorics/Quiver/ReflQuiver.lean
class ReflQuiver (obj : Type u) extends Quiver.{v} obj : Type max u v where
/-- The identity morphism on an object. -/
id : ∀ X : obj, Hom X X

/-- Notation for the identity morphism in a category. -/
scoped notation "𝟙rq" => -- type as \b1

instance catToReflQuiver {C : Type u} [inst : Category.{v} C] : ReflQuiver.{v+1, u} C :=
{ inst with }

@[simp] theorem ReflQuiver.id_eq_id {C : Type*} [Category C] (X : C) : 𝟙rq X = 𝟙 X := rfl

/-- A morphism of quivers. As we will later have categorical functors extend this structure,
we call it a `Prefunctor`. -/
structure ReflPrefunctor (V : Type u₁) [ReflQuiver.{v₁} V] (W : Type u₂) [ReflQuiver.{v₂} W]
extends Prefunctor V W where
/-- A functor preserves identity morphisms. -/
map_id : ∀ X : V, map (𝟙rq X) = 𝟙rq (obj X) := by aesop_cat

namespace ReflPrefunctor

-- Porting note: added during port.
-- These lemmas can not be `@[simp]` because after `whnfR` they have a variable on the LHS.
-- Nevertheless they are sometimes useful when building functors.
lemma mk_obj {V W : Type*} [ReflQuiver V] [ReflQuiver W] {obj : V → W} {map} {X : V} :
( obj map).obj X = obj X := rfl

lemma mk_map {V W : Type*} [ReflQuiver V] [ReflQuiver W] {obj : V → W} {map} {X Y : V} {f : X ⟶ Y} :
( obj map).map f = map f := rfl

-- @[ext]
theorem ext {V : Type u} [ReflQuiver.{v₁} V] {W : Type u₂} [ReflQuiver.{v₂} W] {F G : ReflPrefunctor V W}
(h_obj : ∀ X, F.obj X = G.obj X)
(h_map : ∀ (X Y : V) (f : X ⟶ Y), f = Eq.recOn (h_obj Y).symm (Eq.recOn (h_obj X).symm ( f))) : F = G := by
obtain ⟨⟨F_obj⟩⟩ := F
obtain ⟨⟨G_obj⟩⟩ := G
obtain rfl : F_obj = G_obj := (Set.eqOn_univ F_obj G_obj).mp fun _ _ ↦ h_obj _
funext X Y f
simpa using h_map X Y f

/-- The identity morphism between quivers. -/
def id (V : Type*) [ReflQuiver V] : ReflPrefunctor V V where
__ := _
map_id _ := rfl

instance (V : Type*) [ReflQuiver V] : Inhabited (ReflPrefunctor V V) :=
⟨id V⟩

/-- Composition of morphisms between quivers. -/
def comp {U : Type*} [ReflQuiver U] {V : Type*} [ReflQuiver V] {W : Type*} [ReflQuiver W]
(F : ReflPrefunctor U V) (G : ReflPrefunctor V W) : ReflPrefunctor U W where
__ := F.toPrefunctor.comp G.toPrefunctor
map_id _ := by simp [F.map_id, G.map_id]

theorem comp_id {U V : Type*} [ReflQuiver U] [ReflQuiver V] (F : ReflPrefunctor U V) :
F.comp (id _) = F := rfl

theorem id_comp {U V : Type*} [ReflQuiver U] [ReflQuiver V] (F : ReflPrefunctor U V) :
(id _).comp F = F := rfl

theorem comp_assoc {U V W Z : Type*} [ReflQuiver U] [ReflQuiver V] [ReflQuiver W] [ReflQuiver Z]
(F : ReflPrefunctor U V) (G : ReflPrefunctor V W) (H : ReflPrefunctor W Z) :
(F.comp G).comp H = F.comp (G.comp H) := rfl

/-- Notation for a prefunctor between quivers. -/
infixl:50 " ⥤rq " => ReflPrefunctor

/-- Notation for composition of prefunctors. -/
infixl:60 " ⋙rq " => ReflPrefunctor.comp

/-- Notation for the identity prefunctor on a quiver. -/
notation "𝟭rq" => id

theorem congr_map {U V : Type*} [Quiver U] [Quiver V] (F : U ⥤q V) {X Y : U} {f g : X ⟶ Y}
(h : f = g) : f = g := congrArg h

end ReflPrefunctor

def Functor.toReflPrefunctor {C D} [Category C] [Category D] (F : C ⥤ D) : C ⥤rq D := { F with }

theorem Functor.toReflPrefunctor_toPrefunctor {C D : Cat} (F : C ⥤ D) :
(Functor.toReflPrefunctor F).toPrefunctor = F.toPrefunctor := rfl

namespace ReflQuiver
open Opposite

/-- `Vᵒᵖ` reverses the direction of all arrows of `V`. -/
instance opposite {V} [ReflQuiver V] : ReflQuiver Vᵒᵖ where
id X := op (𝟙rq X.unop)

instance discreteQuiver (V : Type u) : ReflQuiver.{u+1} (Discrete V) := { discreteCategory V with }

end ReflQuiver

-- NB: Copied to ForMathlib/CategoryTheory/Category/ReflQuiv.lean
@[nolint checkUnivs]
def ReflQuiv :=
Bundled ReflQuiver.{v + 1, u}

namespace ReflQuiv

instance : CoeSort ReflQuiv (Type u) where coe := Bundled.α

instance str' (C : ReflQuiv.{v, u}) : ReflQuiver.{v + 1, u} C := C.str

def toQuiv (C : ReflQuiv.{v, u}) : Quiv.{v, u} := Quiv.of C.α

/-- Construct a bundled `ReflQuiv` from the underlying type and the typeclass. -/
def of (C : Type u) [ReflQuiver.{v + 1} C] : ReflQuiv.{v, u} := Bundled.of C

instance : Inhabited ReflQuiv := ⟨ReflQuiv.of (Discrete default)⟩

@[simp] theorem of_val (C : Type u) [ReflQuiver C] : (ReflQuiv.of C) = C := rfl

/-- Category structure on `ReflQuiv` -/
instance category : LargeCategory.{max v u} ReflQuiv.{v, u} where
Hom C D := ReflPrefunctor C D
id C := C
comp F G := ReflPrefunctor.comp F G

theorem id_eq_id (X : ReflQuiv) : 𝟙 X = 𝟭rq X := rfl
theorem comp_eq_comp {X Y Z : ReflQuiv} (F : X ⟶ Y) (G : Y ⟶ Z) : F ≫ G = F ⋙rq G := rfl

/-- The forgetful functor from categories to quivers. -/
def forget : Cat.{v, u} ⥤ ReflQuiv.{v, u} where
obj C := ReflQuiv.of C
map F := F.toReflPrefunctor

theorem forget_faithful {C D : Cat.{v, u}} (F G : C ⥤ D)
(hyp : F = G) : F = G := by
cases F; cases G; cases hyp; rfl

theorem forget.Faithful : Functor.Faithful (forget) where
map_injective := fun hyp ↦ forget_faithful _ _ hyp

/-- The forgetful functor from categories to quivers. -/
def forgetToQuiv : ReflQuiv.{v, u} ⥤ Quiv.{v, u} where
obj V := Quiv.of V
map F := F.toPrefunctor

theorem forgetToQuiv_faithful {V W : ReflQuiv} (F G : V ⥤rq W)
(hyp : F = G) : F = G := by
cases F; cases G; cases hyp; rfl

theorem forgetToQuiv.Faithful : Functor.Faithful (forgetToQuiv) where
map_injective := fun hyp ↦ forgetToQuiv_faithful _ _ hyp

theorem forget_forgetToQuiv : forget ⋙ forgetToQuiv = Quiv.forget := rfl

end ReflQuiv

namespace ReflPrefunctor

def toFunctor {C D : Cat} (F : (ReflQuiv.of C) ⟶ (ReflQuiv.of D))
(hyp : ∀ {X Y Z : ↑C} (f : X ⟶ Y) (g : Y ⟶ Z), (CategoryStruct.comp (obj := C) f g) =
CategoryStruct.comp (obj := D) ( f) ( g)) : C ⥤ D where
obj := F.obj
map :=
map_id := F.map_id
map_comp := hyp

end ReflPrefunctor
namespace Cat

inductive FreeReflRel {V} [ReflQuiver V] : (X Y : Paths V) → (f g : X ⟶ Y) → Prop
| mk {X : V} : FreeReflRel X X (Quiver.Hom.toPath (𝟙rq X)) .nil

def FreeRefl (V) [ReflQuiver V] :=
Quotient (C := (Quiv.of V)) (FreeReflRel (V := V))

instance (V) [ReflQuiver V] : Category (FreeRefl V) :=
inferInstanceAs (Category (Quotient _))

def FreeRefl.quotientFunctor (V) [ReflQuiver V] : (Quiv.of V) ⥤ FreeRefl V :=
Quotient.functor (C := (Quiv.of V)) (FreeReflRel (V := V))

theorem FreeRefl.lift_unique' {V} [ReflQuiver V] {D} [Category D] (F₁ F₂ : FreeRefl V ⥤ D)
(h : quotientFunctor V ⋙ F₁ = quotientFunctor V ⋙ F₂) :
F₁ = F₂ :=
Quotient.lift_unique' (C := (Quiv.of V)) (FreeReflRel (V := V)) _ _ h

def freeRefl : ReflQuiv.{v, u} ⥤ Cat.{max u v, u} where
obj V := Cat.of (FreeRefl V)
map f := Quotient.lift _ ((by exact f.toPrefunctor) ⋙ FreeRefl.quotientFunctor _)
(fun X Y f g hfg => by
apply Quotient.sound
cases hfg
simp [ReflPrefunctor.map_id]
map_id X := by
refine (Quotient.lift_unique _ _ _ _ ((Functor.comp_id _).trans <|
(Functor.id_comp _).symm.trans ?_)).symm
congr 1
exact (free.map_id X.toQuiv).symm
map_comp {X Y Z} f g := by
apply (Quotient.lift_unique _ _ _ _ _).symm
have : (f ≫ g).toPrefunctor = (X := X.toQuiv) (Y := Y.toQuiv) f.toPrefunctor ⋙ (X := Y.toQuiv) (Y := Z.toQuiv) g.toPrefunctor := by
show _ = _ ≫ _
rw [← Functor.map_comp]; rfl
rw [this, Functor.assoc]
show _ ⋙ _ ⋙ _ = _
rw [← Functor.assoc, Quotient.lift_spec, Functor.assoc, FreeRefl.quotientFunctor,

theorem freeRefl_naturality {X Y} [ReflQuiver X] [ReflQuiver Y] (f : X ⥤rq Y) : (X := Quiv.of X) (Y := Quiv.of Y) f.toPrefunctor ⋙
FreeRefl.quotientFunctor ↑Y =
FreeRefl.quotientFunctor ↑X ⋙ (X := ReflQuiv.of X) (Y := ReflQuiv.of Y) f := by
simp only [free_obj, of_α, FreeRefl.quotientFunctor, freeRefl, ReflQuiv.of_val]
rw [Quotient.lift_spec]

def freeReflNatTrans : ReflQuiv.forgetToQuiv ⋙ ⟶ freeRefl where
app V := FreeRefl.quotientFunctor V
naturality _ _ f := freeRefl_naturality f

end Cat

namespace ReflQuiv

@[simps! toPrefunctor obj map]
def (V : ReflQuiv.{max u v, u}) : V ⥤rq forget.obj (Cat.freeRefl.obj V) where
toPrefunctor := (V.toQuiv) ⋙q (Cat.FreeRefl.quotientFunctor V)
map_id := fun _ => Quotient.sound _ ⟨⟩

/-- This is used in the proof of both triangle equalities. Should we simp?-/
theorem adj.unit.component_eq (V : ReflQuiv.{max u v, u}) : ( V) = (V.toQuiv) ≫ (Y := Cat.of _) (Cat.FreeRefl.quotientFunctor V) := rfl

def (C : Cat) : Cat.freeRefl.obj (forget.obj C) ⥤ C := by
fapply Quotient.lift
· exact C
· intro x y f g rel
cases rel
unfold Quiv.adj
simp only [id_obj, forget_obj, Cat.free_obj, Quiv.forget_obj,
Adjunction.mkOfHomEquiv_counit_app, Equiv.invFun_as_coe, Equiv.coe_fn_symm_mk, Quiv.lift_obj,
ReflQuiver.id_eq_id, Quiv.lift_map, Prefunctor.mapPath_toPath, composePath_toPath,
Prefunctor.mapPath_nil, composePath_nil]

/-- This is used in the proof of both triangle equalities. -/
theorem adj.counit.component_eq (C : Cat) :
Cat.FreeRefl.quotientFunctor C ⋙ C = C := rfl

theorem adj.counit.component_eq' (C) [Category C] :
Cat.FreeRefl.quotientFunctor C ⋙ (Cat.of C) = (Cat.of C) := rfl

The adjunction between forming the free category on a quiver, and forgetting a category to a quiver.
nonrec def adj : Cat.freeRefl.{max u v, u} ⊣ ReflQuiv.forget :=
Adjunction.mkOfUnitCounit {
unit := {
app :=
naturality := fun V W f ↦ by exact rfl
counit := {
app :=
naturality := fun C D F ↦ Quotient.lift_unique' _ _ _ (Quiv.adj.counit.naturality F)
left_triangle := by
ext V
apply Cat.FreeRefl.lift_unique'
simp only [id_obj, Cat.free_obj, Cat.of_α, comp_obj, Cat.freeRefl_obj_α, NatTrans.comp_app,
forget_obj, whiskerRight_app, associator_hom_app, whiskerLeft_app, id_comp, NatTrans.id_app']
rw [Cat.id_eq_id, Cat.comp_eq_comp]
simp only [Cat.freeRefl_obj_α, Functor.comp_id]
rw [← Functor.assoc, ← Cat.freeRefl_naturality, Functor.assoc]
dsimp [Cat.freeRefl]
rw [adj.counit.component_eq' (Cat.FreeRefl V)]
conv =>
enter [1, 1, 2]
apply (Quiv.comp_eq_comp (X := Quiv.of _) (Y := Quiv.of _) (Z := Quiv.of _) ..).symm
rw []
show (_ ⋙ ((Quiv.forget ⋙ (X := Cat.of _) (Y := Cat.of _)
(Cat.FreeRefl.quotientFunctor V))) ⋙ _ = _
rw [Functor.assoc, ← Cat.comp_eq_comp]
conv => enter [1, 2]; apply Quiv.adj.counit.naturality
rw [Cat.comp_eq_comp, ← Functor.assoc, ← Cat.comp_eq_comp]
conv => enter [1, 1]; apply Quiv.adj.left_triangle_components V.toQuiv
exact Functor.id_comp _
right_triangle := by
ext C
simp only [comp_obj, forget_obj, id_obj, NatTrans.comp_app, Cat.freeRefl_obj_α, of_val,
whiskerLeft_app, associator_inv_app, whiskerRight_app, forget_map, id_comp,
exact forgetToQuiv_faithful _ _ (Quiv.adj.right_triangle_components C)

end ReflQuiv

-- NB: Moved to Order.Category.NonEmptyFiniteLinOrd.lean; who knows if this is correct
theorem Fin.le_succ {n} (i : Fin n) : i.castSucc ≤ i.succ := Nat.le_succ i

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1617,7 +1291,7 @@ theorem oneTruncation₂_toNerve₂Mk' {X : SSet.Truncated 2} {C : Cat}
((f ≫ ( C).hom).map (ev12₂ φ))) :
oneTruncation₂.map (toNerve₂.mk' f hyp) = f := by
refine ReflPrefunctor.ext (fun _ ↦ ComposableArrows.ext₀ rfl)
(fun X Y g ↦ eq_of_heq ((heq_eqRec_iff_heq _ _ _).2 <| (heq_eqRec_iff_heq _ _ _).2 ?_))
(fun X Y g ↦ eq_of_heq (heq_eqRec_iff_heq.2 <| heq_eqRec_iff_heq.2 ?_))
simp [oneTruncation₂]
have {A B A' B' : OneTruncation₂ (nerveFunctor₂.obj C)}
: A = A' → B = B' → ∀ (x : A ⟶ B) (y : A' ⟶ B'), x.1 = y.1 → HEq x y := by
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions lake-manifest.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
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Expand All @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
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Expand Down Expand Up @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
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Expand Down

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