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Releases: emmebrusa/TSDZ2-Smart-EBike-1

Open source firmware TSDZ2-v20.1C.6 VLCD5-VLCD6-XH18

01 Mar 15:02
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List of changes v20.1C.6
1 - Added PWM frequency choice, 18kHz or 19kHz.
2 - Added overcurrent error delay (E07).
3 - Fixed bugs in SOC auto calculation.
4 - Increased motor blocked check time (E04).
5 - Increased minimum rpm for motor reactivation (by dzid26).
6 - All errors are reset only by turning the display off.
7 - Optimizations (by dzid26).
8 - Bleeding edge Unit Testing (by dzid26).

Updated Parameter configurator guide
Updated Operating manual of display

SDCC version 4.4.0 is required.

Open source firmware TSDZ2-v20.1C.6-beta-1 VLCD5-VLCD6-XH18

20 Aug 05:44
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List of changes v20.1C.6-beta-1
1 - Moved ERROR MOTOR CHECK to E09, shared with ERROR WRITE EEPROM.
2 - Fixed power limit issue and others bugs.
3 - Debugging workflow (by @dzid26).
4 - Motor goes alone fixes (by @dzid26).
5 - Cut PWM above speed limit, fixes E09 (by @dzid26).

The manuals are not yet updated.

SDCC version 4.4.0 is required.

Open source firmware TSDZ2-v20.1C.6-beta-0 VLCD5-VLCD6-XH18

08 Jun 07:03
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Open source firmware TSDZ2-v20.1C.6-beta-0 VLCD5-VLCD6-XH18

List of changes:
1 - Updated to v15 version of mspider65 (optimized FOC angle calculation)
2 - Added "Smooth start" feature for Hybrid, Torque and Cadence mode.
3 - Progressive assist in eMtb mode, based on torque or power.
4 - Levels set the current target in Cadence Assist mode.
5 - Optimized PID parameters in Cruise mode.
6 - Enabling Coaster Brake disables Walk Assist, Startup Assist, Throttle, Cruise (safety).
7 - Startup assist. Added speed limit to 6 km/h.
8 - Choice of temperature sensor, LM35 or TMP36.
9 - Choice of brake input, brake sensors or on/off thermostat (NO max 85°C).
10 - Choice of throttle use mode.
11 - Convert mph and miles to VLCD6, or alternative for other displays.
12 - Added motor overcurrent check (by mspider65), E07 overcurrent error.
13 - Added throttle input check on power up, E05 throttle fault.
14 - Fixed walk assist debounce time issue.
15 - Fixed torque sensor calibration problem with weight.
16 - Improved field weakening feature.
17 - For 32-bit Windows, auto switching to the 32-bit Cygwin folder.
18 - Added terminal for Compiling&Flash output in Linux (xterm required).
19 - Developer tools (by @dzid26).

The manuals are not yet updated.

Update June 12, 2024 , update compile.bat

Open source firmware TSDZ2-v20.1C.2-update-3 VLCD5-VLCD6-XH18

03 Apr 07:15
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List of changes v20.1C.2 update 3

1 - Fix Makefile clear_eeprom with -s eeprom (by @apolselli)
2 - Fix compiler warning for missing void in function prototypes (by @chgpalmer)
3 - Improved building (by @dzid26)
4 - Irq uart priority level set

Open source firmware TSDZ2-v20.1C.2-update-2 VLCD5-VLCD6-XH18

31 Dec 07:39
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Open source firmware TSDZ2-v20.1C.2-update-2 for VLCD5-VLCD6-XH18

List of changes v20.1C.2 update 2
1 - Improved Walk assist speed adjustment.
2 - Added legal throttle, only works when pedaling, in street mode.
3 - Added 850C display support (6 pin connector & TSDZ2 protocol).
4 - Added fifth level, for display with 5 levels.
5 - Fixed data display with units = miles.
6 - Fixed Startup assist max time (10 sec).
7 - Fixed comms error detection (by lcha78).
8 - Added manuals in Spanish (by ashrambo).
9 - Building script improvements (by dzid26)
10 - Compile and flash automatically from Linux and Mac OS (by IArchi)
11 - VLCD6, fixed SOC display at power on

February 18, 2025, Warning: Do not use this release or previous releases.

Open source firmware TSDZ2-v20.1C.2-update-1 VLCD5-VLCD6-XH18

28 Jul 16:56
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Open source firmware TSDZ2-v20.1C.2-update-1 for VLCD5-VLCD6-XH18

List of changes v20.1C.2 update 1
1 - Fixed "Startup assist" feature.
2 - Assist without pedaling, can also be activated with negative torque offset.
3 - E08 error speed sensor failure, disabled in Walk assist mode.
4 - E05 error motor check, monitoring time increased.

Open source firmware TSDZ2-v20.1C.2-VLCD5-VLCD6-XH18

11 Apr 07:39
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Open source firmware TSDZ2-v20.1C.2 for VLCD5-VLCD6-XH18
List of changes v20.1C.2
1 - Added "Motor deceleration", adjustable 0-100%.
2 - Improved torque sensor calibration.
3 - Added adjustment of the adc offset of the pedal torque.
4 - Added adjustment of the adc range of the pedal torque.
5 - Added adjustment of the adc angle of the pedal torque.
6 - Added estimated calculation "Pedal torque adc step".
7 - Added "Startup assist", for starting from a stationary on difficult climbs.
8 - Added "Walk Assist" speed settings, one for each level.
9 - Added choice Startup boost mode, at zero cadence or at zero speed.
10 - Improved progressivity in "Cadence Assist" mode.
11 - Added choice of soc % calculation mode.
12 - Improved the problem of delay in restarting with bike in motion (from mspider65 v12)
13 - Modified standing start, softer.
14 - Fixed an overflow issue in power assist mode.
15 - Fixed calculation of human power.
16 - Fixed, coaster brake feature.
17 - Display of TE and TE1 torque sensor values (VLCD5 only).
18 - Changed "dead time" value to 2.0 us.
19 - Cross-check motor current variables, with assistance stop in the presence of incompatible values (possible cause of motor operation without pedaling).

Open source firmware TSDZ2-v20.1C.1-VLCD5-VLCD6-XH18

07 Jul 19:43
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Open source firmware TSDZ2-v20.1C.1-VLCD5-VLCD6-XH18 safety updates
1 - Torque sensor calibration bug fixed.
2 - Overtemperature problem at high power fixed.
3 - Eliminated potential mosfet risk in "save battery capacity".
4 - Eliminated potential phantom pedaling risk in "rx buffer".
5 - Changed "dead time" value to 1.5 us.
6 - Torque offset fix (Update 2021/07/07).

Open source firmware TSDZ2-v20.1C-VLCD5-VLCD6-XH18

01 Mar 10:03
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Warning, do not use this version.
Has been replaced by v20.1C.1 safety updates.

Open source firmware TSDZ2-v20.1C for stock displays VLCD5-VLCD6-XH18
1 - Added field weakening function to increase the motor speed (by mspider65).
2 - Added other optimizations to motor control, torque sensor and cadence sensor (by mspider65).
3 - Added startup boost function in POWER assist mode, enable/disable at display.
4 - Added HYBRID assist mode, TORQUE + POWER, can be set on the display.
5 - Improved "Start-up without pedal rotation" function.
6 - Added a filter to the speed sensor to avoid problems of adjusting the distance from the magnet.
7 - Added error E08 due to speed sensor failure or missing magnet.
8 - Added error E03 cadence sensor failure.
9 - Added "Assist with sensors error" function, to force assistance with sensors problem.
10 - Changed the manual reset of battery soc, now more accurate.
11 - Changed the voltage detection for battery bars, the battery resistance is no longer used, (by kaltekaffe).
12 - Changed "Set parameters" function on display.
13 - Added display of the status of the selected parameter.
14 - Removed flashing of the options byte file.
15 - Configurator. Added choice of data to be displayed at power on.
16 - Configurator. Added ability to disable "Walk assist" in "Street mode".
17 - Configurator. Added enable/disable and sensitivity of coaster brake.
18 - Configurator. By changing the unit of measurement km/h or mph, all speed values are adjusted.
19 - Configurator. New parameters have been added. Default values are been changed.
20 - Configurator manual and display manual, updated.

Firmware open source TSDZ2-v20.1B-VLCD5-VLCD6-XH18

17 Jan 17:22
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List of changes v20.1.B
1 - added cadence sensor calibration in advanced mode.
2 - added calibration of maximum torque value (torque sensor range).
3 - added ADC conversion factor calibration of the torque sensor (with weight).
4 - added ADC offset adjustment of the torque sensor.
5 - added choice to display, standard or advanced mode for cadence and torque sensors.
6 - added data display in automatic sequence when the lights are turned on.
7 - added other data that can be shown on the display.
8 - added ability to view data with miles setting.
9 - access to parameters and data also with error code present.
11 - with WALK_ASSIST_DEBO UNCE_TIME, the brake sensors in addition to the motor now also stop time.
12 - CRUISE mode now also operable with walk assist command.
13 - at level 0 = OFF the accelerator is disabled.
14 - moved the parameters for error E04 "motor blocked" to the config.h file.
15 - modified " fix overrun " for a quick stop of the motor when you stop pedaling.
16 - modified the manual reset of the residual battery percentage.
17 - fixed data saving problem in eeprom.
18 - fixed display battery residual percentage problem at startup.
19 - fixed problem displaying error E06 "over temperature".
20 - Stancecoke Java Parameter Configurator completed.