Plugin for managing multiple git
git clone $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/gitprofiles
plugins=(... gitprofiles)
zinit light empresslabs/gitprofiles.plugin.zsh
zi light empresslabs/gitprofiles.plugin.zsh
zgenom load empresslabs/gitprofiles.plugin.zsh
zplug empresslabs/gitprofiles.plugin.zsh
Add the following to your .zsh_plugins.txt file for antidote:
# ~/.zshrc
zstyle ":empresslabs:git:profile" path "$HOME/.config/git/profiles"
# ~/.config/git/profiles
[profile "default"]
name = Bruno Sales
email = [email protected]
# signingkey = 1234567890
[profile "work"]
name = Bruno Sales
email = [email protected]
# signingkey = 1234567890
paths = "/home/baliestri/work"
[profile "personal"]
name = Bruno Sales
email = [email protected]
# signingkey = 1234567890
paths = "~/personal",
Multiple paths can be defined for a profile, separated by either newline or commas. The paths are processed in the order they are defined, with exact matches taking precedence over wild card matches. Tildes are expanded to ${HOME}.
It is possible to get debug information by setting the GP_DEBUG
environment variable to any value within your current session.