Code for ESP32 Over The Air (OTA) updates using any http/https web server as source. Thus the generated binary could have been compied using the arduino-cli, and does not depend on the Arduino IDE running.
Provides a check that the updated image is matches the sha256 checksum of the source before changeing the boot partition. The metadata for the image to be updated is held in a separate metadata file, eg
name: esp32.img size: 869584 sequence: 1586743799 sha256: ee4d000f93b754e61d2c400517735e8a45719de863fefbfcabd182f62cb473ca
Note the main logic to be replicated between projects is in the ota_contrl tab / file. ota_updater is a wrapper to call this.
On a PHP enabled server you can use code to generate metadata file based on the most recent deployment of the binary image. Here is an example of such PHP code:
<?php $filename="esp32.img"; $statvar=stat($filename); $sha256var=hash_file("sha256", $filename); echo "name: $filename\n"; echo "size: $statvar[size]\n"; echo "sequence: $statvar[mtime]\n"; echo "sha256: $sha256var\n"; ?>
The result this generates is a simple 4 line yaml file as shown eariler above.
For a more detailed description see