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Members on Atom and Type include inherited methods from Any #2889

Members on Atom and Type include inherited methods from Any

Members on Atom and Type include inherited methods from Any #2889

GitHub Actions / Standard Library Tests Report (GraalVM CE, linux, amd64) succeeded Feb 12, 2025 in 0s

461 passed, 0 failed and 24 skipped

Tests passed successfully

Report Passed Failed Skipped Time
/runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/AWS_Tests/JUnit.xml 108✅ 21⚪ 358s
/runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Base_Internal_Tests/JUnit.xml 35✅ 3s
/runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Examples_Tests/JUnit.xml 34✅ 73s
/runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Geo_Tests/JUnit.xml 5✅ 723ms
/runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Image_Tests/JUnit.xml 174✅ 1⚪ 5s
/runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Snowflake_Tests/JUnit.xml 1⚪ 0ms
/runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Table_Internal_Tests/JUnit.xml 1✅ 574ms
/runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Tableau_Tests/JUnit.xml 13✅ 2s
/runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Test_Tests/JUnit.xml 10✅ 1s
/runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Visualization_Tests/JUnit.xml 81✅ 1⚪ 19s

✅ /runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/AWS_Tests/JUnit.xml

129 tests were completed in 358s with 108 passed, 0 failed and 21 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
(Enso Cloud -> Enso Cloud) copying/moving 1⚪ 0ms
(Enso Cloud -> Enso Cloud) Data Link copying/moving 1⚪ 0ms
(Enso Cloud -> Local) copying/moving 1⚪ 0ms
(Enso Cloud -> Local) Data Link copying/moving 1⚪ 0ms
(Enso Cloud -> S3) copying/moving 1⚪ 0ms
(Enso Cloud -> S3) Data Link copying/moving 1⚪ 0ms
(Local -> Enso Cloud) copying/moving 1⚪ 0ms
(Local -> Enso Cloud) Data Link copying/moving 1⚪ 0ms
(Local -> Local) copying/moving 5✅ 91ms
(Local -> Local) Data Link copying/moving 3✅ 1s
(Local -> S3) copying/moving 5✅ 12s
(Local -> S3) Data Link copying/moving 3✅ 16s
(S3 -> Enso Cloud) copying/moving 1⚪ 0ms
(S3 -> Enso Cloud) Data Link copying/moving 1⚪ 0ms
(S3 -> Local) copying/moving 5✅ 12s
(S3 -> Local) Data Link copying/moving 3✅ 16s
(S3 -> S3) copying/moving 5✅ 20s
(S3 -> S3) Data Link copying/moving 3✅ 37s
(S3_File) Download Mode 3✅ 27s
[Redshift] Database tests 1⚪ 0ms
AWS_Credential 4✅ 7s
DataLinks to S3_File 13✅ 10⚪ 62s
S3 Path handling 7✅ 1s
S3_File reading 10✅ 16s
S3_File writing 21✅ 58s
S3.get_object 2✅ 12s
S3.head (bucket) 1✅ 9s
S3.head (object) 2✅ 8s
S3.list_buckets 4✅ 28s
S3.list_objects 4✅ 8s
S3.read_bucket 5✅ 9s

✅ (Enso Cloud -> Enso Cloud) copying/moving


✅ (Enso Cloud -> Enso Cloud) Data Link copying/moving


✅ (Enso Cloud -> Local) copying/moving


✅ (Enso Cloud -> Local) Data Link copying/moving


✅ (Enso Cloud -> S3) copying/moving


✅ (Enso Cloud -> S3) Data Link copying/moving


✅ (Local -> Enso Cloud) copying/moving


✅ (Local -> Enso Cloud) Data Link copying/moving


✅ (Local -> Local) copying/moving

✅ should be able to copy files
✅ should be able to move files
✅ should fail if the source file does not exist
✅ should fail to copy/move a file if it exists and replace_existing=False
✅ should overwrite existing destination in copy/move if replace_existing=True

✅ (Local -> Local) Data Link copying/moving

✅ does not allow copying/moving datalinks using copy_to/move_to and reports a helpful error message
✅ should be able to copy a datalink file elsewhere using Data_Link.copy
✅ should be able to move a datalink using Data_Link.move

✅ (Local -> S3) copying/moving

✅ should be able to copy files
✅ should be able to move files
✅ should fail if the source file does not exist
✅ should fail to copy/move a file if it exists and replace_existing=False
✅ should overwrite existing destination in copy/move if replace_existing=True

✅ (Local -> S3) Data Link copying/moving

✅ does not allow copying/moving datalinks using copy_to/move_to and reports a helpful error message
✅ should be able to copy a datalink file elsewhere using Data_Link.copy
✅ should be able to move a datalink using Data_Link.move

✅ (S3 -> Enso Cloud) copying/moving


✅ (S3 -> Enso Cloud) Data Link copying/moving


✅ (S3 -> Local) copying/moving

✅ should be able to copy files
✅ should be able to move files
✅ should fail if the source file does not exist
✅ should fail to copy/move a file if it exists and replace_existing=False
✅ should overwrite existing destination in copy/move if replace_existing=True

✅ (S3 -> Local) Data Link copying/moving

✅ does not allow copying/moving datalinks using copy_to/move_to and reports a helpful error message
✅ should be able to copy a datalink file elsewhere using Data_Link.copy
✅ should be able to move a datalink using Data_Link.move

✅ (S3 -> S3) copying/moving

✅ should be able to copy files
✅ should be able to move files
✅ should fail if the source file does not exist
✅ should fail to copy/move a file if it exists and replace_existing=False
✅ should overwrite existing destination in copy/move if replace_existing=True

✅ (S3 -> S3) Data Link copying/moving

✅ does not allow copying/moving datalinks using copy_to/move_to and reports a helpful error message
✅ should be able to copy a datalink file elsewhere using Data_Link.copy
✅ should be able to move a datalink using Data_Link.move

✅ (S3_File) Download Mode

✅ (S3_File) Will always download a file for mode Always
✅ (S3_File) Will download a file if it does not exist for default mode If_Not_Exists
✅ (S3_File) Will download a file if it is older than a specified duration for mode If_Older_Than

✅ [Redshift] Database tests


✅ AWS_Credential

✅ always allows to list available AWS profile names
✅ should be able to always resolve a default region to be used
✅ should be able to list available region ids
✅ should allow to override the default region

✅ DataLinks to S3_File

✅ should be able to read a data link of an S3 File
✅ should be able to read a data link with custom credentials and secrets
✅ should be able to read a data link with a custom file format set
✅ should be able to read a data link stored on S3
✅ (S3 -> S3) allows Data.list to be used to list the target directory of the data link
✅ (S3 -> S3) allows to cross file-systems through the directory datalink using `/`
✅ (S3 -> S3) calling size on a datalink checks the size of the target
✅ (S3 -> S3) calling is_directory/is_regular_file on a datalink checks the target
✅ (S3 -> S3) a directory with name 'just-a-directory.datalink' is still handled correctly
⚪ (S3 -> Cloud) allows Data.list to be used to list the target directory of the data link
⚪ (S3 -> Cloud) allows to cross file-systems through the directory datalink using `/`
⚪ (S3 -> Cloud) calling size on a datalink checks the size of the target
⚪ (S3 -> Cloud) calling is_directory/is_regular_file on a datalink checks the target
⚪ (S3 -> Cloud) a directory with name 'just-a-directory.datalink' is still handled correctly
⚪ (Cloud -> S3) allows Data.list to be used to list the target directory of the data link
⚪ (Cloud -> S3) allows to cross file-systems through the directory datalink using `/`
⚪ (Cloud -> S3) calling size on a datalink checks the size of the target
⚪ (Cloud -> S3) calling is_directory/is_regular_file on a datalink checks the target
⚪ (Cloud -> S3) a directory with name 'just-a-directory.datalink' is still handled correctly
✅ should be able to read an S3 data link overriding the format
✅ should be able to write a Table to an S3 data link (xlsx)
✅ should be able to write a Table to an S3 data link (csv)
✅ should be able to write a Table to an S3 data link (json)

✅ S3 Path handling

✅ parse bucket only uris
✅ parse full paths uris
✅ reject invalid urils
✅ should support path traversal using `/` and `parent`
✅ should support path traversal using `join`
✅ will normalize paths upon parsing
✅ should allow to check if one path is inside of another

✅ S3_File reading

✅ should be able to list the bucket's root directory
✅ list should sort its output
✅ should be able to list buckets by constructing a root object
✅ should be able to construct bucket reference by resolving a path from root
✅ will fail if no credentials are provided and no Default credentials are available
✅ should be able to read a file
✅ should work with
✅ should be able to read a file as bytes or stream
✅ returns a valid name for files and 'directories'
✅ should be able to read file metadata

✅ S3_File writing

✅ warns that `create_directory` is a no-op
✅ should be able to write and delete a new file
✅ should be able to overwrite a file
✅ should not be able to append to a file
✅ will error if the file existed prior to writing, if Existing_File_Behavior.Error
✅ should be able to write a raw stream
✅ fails if unsupported File_Access options are selected
✅ will respect the File_Access.Create_New option and fail if the file already exists
✅ should be able to write a vector of bytes
✅ should support .bak logic
✅ should fail cleanly if Auto_Detect fails to detect a format
✅ should be able to write and then read custom types, like Table as Excel
✅ should be able to write and then read custom types, like Table as CSV
✅ should fail to write a file if permissions are lacking
✅ should fail to open an output stream if Output context is not enabled
✅ should fail to write if Output context is not enabled
✅ should fail to delete a file if the Output context is not enabled
✅ may fail with Not_Found if the file to delete does not exist, even if the Output Context is disabled
✅ does not raise an exception if the file being `delete_if_exists` did not exist in the first place
✅ fails if the file being deleted did not exist
✅ should allow copy/move edge case with source=target

✅ S3.get_object

✅ should be able to get an object
✅ should handle auth issues

✅ S3.head (bucket)

✅ should be able to head a bucket

✅ S3.head (object)

✅ should be able to head an object
✅ should handle auth issues

✅ S3.list_buckets

✅ should be able to list buckets
✅ should handle auth issues
✅ should not work with invalid credentials
✅ should allow to use Enso secrets within credentials

✅ S3.list_objects

✅ should be able to list objects
✅ should attach a warning if not a complete list
✅ should handle missing bucket gracefully
✅ should handle auth issues

✅ S3.read_bucket

✅ should be able to read bucket
✅ should be able to read sub folder
✅ should attach a warning if not a complete list
✅ should handle missing bucket gracefully
✅ should handle auth issues

✅ /runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Base_Internal_Tests/JUnit.xml

35 tests were completed in 3s with 35 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
(Decimal_Constructor_Spec) conversions 1✅ 54ms
Host File values behaviour in Enso 2✅ 38ms
I/O Checks 2✅ 703ms
Instrument @Tail_Call fibonacci 6✅ 913ms
Instrument fibonacci 3✅ 307ms
Object Comparator 9✅ 864ms
Test Reporter running on GitHub 3✅ 61ms
Text_Utils 4✅ 437ms
to_display_text 5✅ 81ms

✅ (Decimal_Constructor_Spec) conversions

✅ Conversion from float to decimal should use the correct constructor

✅ Host File values behaviour in Enso

✅ File in Dictionary supports host objects as keys
✅ File equals on host values

✅ I/O Checks

✅ read without available
✅ read with available

✅ Instrument @Tail_Call fibonacci

✅ check fib & fib2 are the same
✅ call and collect on return updates
✅ * instead of + on return updates
✅ Caching in on_enter prevents on_call
✅ Access (even default) arguments of calls
✅ GC disables Instrumentor

✅ Instrument fibonacci

✅ collect and filter on return updates
✅ access local variables
✅ replay with caches and specify different result

✅ Object Comparator

✅ can compare numbers
✅ can compare booleans
✅ can compare Nothing and it ends up as lowest value
✅ can compare Text with Enso standard defaults
✅ can compare Text with case-insensitive comparisons
✅ can compare custom types
✅ should fail gracefully for incomparable items
✅ warnings attached to the return value of .compare should not affect the boolean value of the comparison operator
✅ warnings attached in a comparator should propagate to the operator result

✅ Test Reporter running on GitHub

✅ should correctly parse error message
✅ should be able to parse dashes
✅ should be able to parse no dashes

✅ Text_Utils

✅ should correctly translate an codepoint index to a grapheme index
✅ should correctly translate a series of codepoint indices to a grapheme indices in a batch
✅ should correctly case-fold a string and translate codeunits to graphemes
✅ should correctly take prefix and suffix of a string

✅ to_display_text

✅ simple conversion
✅ long text conversion
✅ grapheme 1 conversion
✅ grapheme 2 conversion
✅ grapheme 3 conversion

✅ /runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Examples_Tests/JUnit.xml

34 tests were completed in 73s with 34 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Examples 32✅ 5s
Python Examples 1✅ 60s
Standard.Base Signature Checks 1✅ 9s

✅ Examples

✅ should allow construction of Example_Error_Type
✅ should allow getting the examples data directory
✅ should allow getting an example CSV file
✅ should allow getting an example XLS file
✅ should allow getting an example XLSX file
✅ should provide access to the CSV path
✅ should provide access to a scratch file location
✅ should provide access to a simple duration
✅ should provide some basic JSON text
✅ should provide some basic JSON
✅ should provide a JSON object
✅ should provide a basic cons list
✅ should provide a basic KV dictionary
✅ should provide a type with no methods
✅ should provide a no method error value
✅ should provide a dummy error type
✅ should provide a method that throws an error
✅ should provide a method that throws a panic
✅ should provide a URL for some geo data
✅ should provide an HTTP response
✅ should provide a response containing geo data
✅ should provide an example URI
✅ should provide an image file
✅ should provide an image
✅ should provide a matrix
✅ should provide a silly function
✅ should provide a boolean
✅ should provide a simple json table
✅ should provide some geo_json
✅ should provide various table columns
✅ should provide various example tables
✅ should provide an example of a regex match

✅ Python Examples

✅ Create Enso Project with numpy

✅ Standard.Base Signature Checks

✅ Standard.Base.Meta

✅ /runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Geo_Tests/JUnit.xml

5 tests were completed in 723ms with 5 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Geo Points 2✅ 245ms
GeoJSON to Table 3✅ 478ms

✅ Geo Points

✅ should be able to be created as a Table
✅ should contain a latitude and longitude

✅ GeoJSON to Table

✅ should allow converting a GeoJSON array of features into a table
✅ should allow converting a GeoJSON object into a table with provided fields
✅ should allow converting a GeoJSON object into a table containing all available fields

✅ /runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Image_Tests/JUnit.xml

175 tests were completed in 5s with 174 passed, 0 failed and 1 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Data Links to Images 1⚪ 0ms
Image File_Format 2✅ 292ms
Image with 1 channel 19✅ 491ms
Image with 2 channels 19✅ 302ms
Image with 3 channels 19✅ 356ms
Image with 4 channels 19✅ 226ms
Image Write 2✅ 36ms 9✅ 656ms
Matrix with 1 channel 21✅ 677ms
Matrix with 2 channels 21✅ 718ms
Matrix with 3 channels 21✅ 582ms
Matrix with 4 channels 21✅ 453ms
Matrix_Error 1✅ 17ms

✅ Data Links to Images


✅ Image File_Format

✅ should recognise image files
✅ should allow reading an Image

✅ Image with 1 channel

✅ should convert to a vector
✅ should convert to a matrix
✅ should allow getting the value at a specified location
✅ should be able to add a scalar
✅ should be able to add a vector
✅ should be able to add a matrix
✅ should fail to add a matrix with mismatched dimensions
✅ should be able to subtract a scalar
✅ should be able to subtract a vector
✅ should be able to subtract a matrix
✅ should fail to subtract a matrix with mismatched dimensions
✅ should be able to multiply by a scalar
✅ should be able to multiply by a vector
✅ should be able to multiply by a matrix
✅ should fail to multiply by a matrix with mismatched dimensions
✅ should be able to divide by a scalar
✅ should be able to divide by a vector
✅ should be able to divide by a matrix
✅ should fail to divide by a matrix with mismatched dimensions

✅ Image with 2 channels

✅ should convert to a vector
✅ should convert to a matrix
✅ should allow getting the value at a specified location
✅ should be able to add a scalar
✅ should be able to add a vector
✅ should be able to add a matrix
✅ should fail to add a matrix with mismatched dimensions
✅ should be able to subtract a scalar
✅ should be able to subtract a vector
✅ should be able to subtract a matrix
✅ should fail to subtract a matrix with mismatched dimensions
✅ should be able to multiply by a scalar
✅ should be able to multiply by a vector
✅ should be able to multiply by a matrix
✅ should fail to multiply by a matrix with mismatched dimensions
✅ should be able to divide by a scalar
✅ should be able to divide by a vector
✅ should be able to divide by a matrix
✅ should fail to divide by a matrix with mismatched dimensions

✅ Image with 3 channels

✅ should convert to a vector
✅ should convert to a matrix
✅ should allow getting the value at a specified location
✅ should be able to add a scalar
✅ should be able to add a vector
✅ should be able to add a matrix
✅ should fail to add a matrix with mismatched dimensions
✅ should be able to subtract a scalar
✅ should be able to subtract a vector
✅ should be able to subtract a matrix
✅ should fail to subtract a matrix with mismatched dimensions
✅ should be able to multiply by a scalar
✅ should be able to multiply by a vector
✅ should be able to multiply by a matrix
✅ should fail to multiply by a matrix with mismatched dimensions
✅ should be able to divide by a scalar
✅ should be able to divide by a vector
✅ should be able to divide by a matrix
✅ should fail to divide by a matrix with mismatched dimensions

✅ Image with 4 channels

✅ should convert to a vector
✅ should convert to a matrix
✅ should allow getting the value at a specified location
✅ should be able to add a scalar
✅ should be able to add a vector
✅ should be able to add a matrix
✅ should fail to add a matrix with mismatched dimensions
✅ should be able to subtract a scalar
✅ should be able to subtract a vector
✅ should be able to subtract a matrix
✅ should fail to subtract a matrix with mismatched dimensions
✅ should be able to multiply by a scalar
✅ should be able to multiply by a vector
✅ should be able to multiply by a matrix
✅ should fail to multiply by a matrix with mismatched dimensions
✅ should be able to divide by a scalar
✅ should be able to divide by a vector
✅ should be able to divide by a matrix
✅ should fail to divide by a matrix with mismatched dimensions

✅ Image Write

✅ should write a Bitmap file
✅ should not write if Context.Output is disabled.


✅ should return error when read failed
✅ should read a color image
✅ should read an image as grayscale
✅ should read an image with an alpha channel
✅ should return error when write failed
✅ should write a PNG file with alpha channel
✅ should write a grayscale PNG file
✅ should write a PNG file with compression
✅ should write a JPEG file with compression

✅ Matrix with 1 channel

✅ should create from a vector
✅ should be able to reshape
✅ should be able to convert to a vector
✅ should allow normalizing values
✅ should allow getting the value at a specified location
✅ should be able to add a scalar
✅ should be able to add a vector
✅ should be able to add a matrix
✅ should fail to add a matrix with mismatched dimensions
✅ should be able to subtract a scalar
✅ should be able to subtract a vector
✅ should be able to subtract a matrix
✅ should fail to subtract a matrix with mismatched dimensions
✅ should be able to multiply by a scalar
✅ should be able to multiply by a vector
✅ should be able to multiply by a matrix
✅ should fail to multiply by a matrix with mismatched dimensions
✅ should be able to divide by a scalar
✅ should be able to divide by a vector
✅ should be able to divide by a matrix
✅ should fail to divide by a matrix with mismatched dimensions

✅ Matrix with 2 channels

✅ should create from a vector
✅ should be able to reshape
✅ should be able to convert to a vector
✅ should allow normalizing values
✅ should allow getting the value at a specified location
✅ should be able to add a scalar
✅ should be able to add a vector
✅ should be able to add a matrix
✅ should fail to add a matrix with mismatched dimensions
✅ should be able to subtract a scalar
✅ should be able to subtract a vector
✅ should be able to subtract a matrix
✅ should fail to subtract a matrix with mismatched dimensions
✅ should be able to multiply by a scalar
✅ should be able to multiply by a vector
✅ should be able to multiply by a matrix
✅ should fail to multiply by a matrix with mismatched dimensions
✅ should be able to divide by a scalar
✅ should be able to divide by a vector
✅ should be able to divide by a matrix
✅ should fail to divide by a matrix with mismatched dimensions

✅ Matrix with 3 channels

✅ should create from a vector
✅ should be able to reshape
✅ should be able to convert to a vector
✅ should allow normalizing values
✅ should allow getting the value at a specified location
✅ should be able to add a scalar
✅ should be able to add a vector
✅ should be able to add a matrix
✅ should fail to add a matrix with mismatched dimensions
✅ should be able to subtract a scalar
✅ should be able to subtract a vector
✅ should be able to subtract a matrix
✅ should fail to subtract a matrix with mismatched dimensions
✅ should be able to multiply by a scalar
✅ should be able to multiply by a vector
✅ should be able to multiply by a matrix
✅ should fail to multiply by a matrix with mismatched dimensions
✅ should be able to divide by a scalar
✅ should be able to divide by a vector
✅ should be able to divide by a matrix
✅ should fail to divide by a matrix with mismatched dimensions

✅ Matrix with 4 channels

✅ should create from a vector
✅ should be able to reshape
✅ should be able to convert to a vector
✅ should allow normalizing values
✅ should allow getting the value at a specified location
✅ should be able to add a scalar
✅ should be able to add a vector
✅ should be able to add a matrix
✅ should fail to add a matrix with mismatched dimensions
✅ should be able to subtract a scalar
✅ should be able to subtract a vector
✅ should be able to subtract a matrix
✅ should fail to subtract a matrix with mismatched dimensions
✅ should be able to multiply by a scalar
✅ should be able to multiply by a vector
✅ should be able to multiply by a matrix
✅ should fail to multiply by a matrix with mismatched dimensions
✅ should be able to divide by a scalar
✅ should be able to divide by a vector
✅ should be able to divide by a matrix
✅ should fail to divide by a matrix with mismatched dimensions

✅ Matrix_Error

✅ should display errors

✅ /runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Snowflake_Tests/JUnit.xml

1 tests were completed in 0ms with 0 passed, 0 failed and 1 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
[Snowflake] Database tests 1⚪ 0ms

✅ [Snowflake] Database tests


✅ /runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Table_Internal_Tests/JUnit.xml

1 tests were completed in 574ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Autoconstructor Instrumentation 1✅ 574ms

✅ Autoconstructor Instrumentation

✅ compare ..Count and Aggregate_Column.Count

✅ /runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Tableau_Tests/JUnit.xml

13 tests were completed in 2s with 13 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Read Tables 6✅ 971ms
Structure 7✅ 881ms

✅ Read Tables

✅ should be able to read the structure of a table
✅ should be able to read the column_info of a table
✅ should be able to read a table
✅ should be able to read a table with limited rows
✅ should handle a missing file when reading a table
✅ should handle a missing table when reading a table

✅ Structure

✅ should default to all schema
✅ should be able to list schema
✅ should handle a missing file when listing schema
✅ should default to set schema
✅ should reject invalid schema to set schema
✅ should be able to list table
✅ should handle a missing file when listing tables

✅ /runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Test_Tests/JUnit.xml

10 tests were completed in 1s with 10 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
should_contain extension method 1✅ 115ms
should_end_with extension method 1✅ 33ms
should_equal extension method 4✅ 913ms
should_not_contain extension method 1✅ 36ms
should_not_equal extension method 2✅ 81ms
should_start_with extension method 1✅ 43ms

✅ should_contain extension method

✅ should report correct location

✅ should_end_with extension method

✅ should report correct location

✅ should_equal extension method

✅ should report correct location for Text
✅ should report correct location for numbers
✅ should report correct location for errors
✅ should panic if error is expected

✅ should_not_contain extension method

✅ should report correct location

✅ should_not_equal extension method

✅ should report correct location
✅ should report correct location for errors

✅ should_start_with extension method

✅ should report correct location

✅ /runner/_work/enso/enso/target/test-results/Visualization_Tests/JUnit.xml

82 tests were completed in 19s with 81 passed, 0 failed and 1 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Dataflow Error Visualization 2✅ 235ms
File uploads 2✅ 62ms
Geo_Map 3✅ 1s
Histogram Visualization 6✅ 410ms
Lazy Table Visualization 12✅ 3s
Lazy Text Visualization 3✅ 284ms
Scatter Plot Visualization 14✅ 3s
Serializable Visualization Identifiers 6✅ 763ms
SQL Visualization 1✅ 835ms
Table Visualization 14✅ 4s
Table.lookup_ignore_case 1✅ 370ms
Table.rows 1✅ 804ms
Type Names of Visualization Defaults 1✅ 965ms
Vector and Arrays 2✅ 1⚪ 153ms
Widget_Helpers run 2✅ 62ms
Widgets for 2✅ 480ms
Widgets for Database 1✅ 86ms
Widgets for In-Database Connection with table name sets 1✅ 580ms
Widgets for In-Database Connection with table types 1✅ 37ms
Widgets for In-Database Table with column name sets 2✅ 121ms
Widgets for In-Memory with column name sets 3✅ 421ms
Widgets for the Text type 1✅ 624ms

✅ Dataflow Error Visualization

✅ should be able to be shown in the default visualization
✅ should be able to be shown in the default vector visualization

✅ File uploads

✅ should be able to be signalled as uploading
✅ should work whether a textual or file path is provided

✅ Geo_Map

✅ skips unrecognized columns
✅ recognizes relevant columns
✅ is case-insensitive

✅ Histogram Visualization

✅ plots first column if none recognized
✅ plots 'value' numeric column if present
✅ is case-insensitive
✅ plots column
✅ plots vector
✅ plots range

✅ Lazy Table Visualization

✅ Fold Map
✅ Should return correct update
✅ Should return correct update
✅ Find end column helper should return correct column index
✅ Find end row helper should return correct row index
✅ Get column width helper should return correct colum width
✅ Get row height helper should return correct row height
✅ Get map_to_cumulative_sum helper should return correct result
✅ Get find_first_over_cum_sum helper should return correct result
✅ Get enumerate helper should return correct result
✅ get_chunks_for_row helper should return correct result
✅ compute_vertical_indices helper should return correct result

✅ Lazy Text Visualization

✅ Should provide the correct chunk data
✅ Should provide a simple string for small data
✅ Should provide null for out of bounds data

✅ Scatter Plot Visualization

✅ plots left most column for x if numeric
✅ recognizes all relevant columns
✅ is case-insensitive
✅ uses first unrecognized numeric column as `y` fallback
✅ provided only recognized columns
✅ provided only recognized columns within bounds
✅ used default index for `x` if none set
✅ recognises color and colour for the colour column, colour
✅ recognizes color and colour for the colour column, color
✅ using indices for x if given a vector
✅ limit the number of elements
✅ limit the number of squared elements
✅ filter the elements
✅ using indices for x if given a range

✅ Serializable Visualization Identifiers

✅ serializes builtin visualizations in the correct format
✅ serializes library visualizations in the correct format
✅ specifies default Table visualization for any type
✅ specifies default json visualization JS_Object type
✅ specifies default Table visualization for Vector and Array type
✅ should specify Table's default visualizations correctly

✅ SQL Visualization

✅ should provide type metadata for interpolations

✅ Table Visualization

✅ should visualize database tables
✅ should visualize database columns
✅ should visualize dataframe tables
✅ should visualize dataframe columns
✅ should handle Vectors
✅ should handle Arrays
✅ should handle other datatypes
✅ should handle datatypes with links
✅ should visualize value type info
✅ should indicate number of Nothing/Nulls
✅ should indicate number of leading/trailing whitespace
✅ should indicate number of non trivial whitespace
✅ should indicate number of leading/trailing whitespace with sample if more than 10000 rows
✅ should indicate number of non trivial whitespace with sample if more than 10000 rows

✅ Table.lookup_ignore_case

✅ ignores case and takes first matching

✅ Table.rows

✅ should visualize nicely

✅ Type Names of Visualization Defaults

✅ Type names should match table visualization expectations

✅ Vector and Arrays

✅ should be able to be efficiently visualise a Vector
✅ should be able to visualize an Enso Array
⚪ should be able to visualize a Polyglot Array

✅ Widget_Helpers run

✅ make_regex_text_widget
✅ make_data_cleanse_vector_selector

✅ Widgets for

✅ should provide a list of loaded file formats
✅ should provide a list of available file name patterns

✅ Widgets for Database

✅ works for `connect`

✅ Widgets for In-Database Connection with table name sets

✅ works for `query` and `read`

✅ Widgets for In-Database Connection with table types

✅ works for `tables`

✅ Widgets for In-Database Table with column name sets

✅ works for `get` and `at`
✅ works for `filter`

✅ Widgets for In-Memory with column name sets

✅ works for `get` and `at`
✅ works for `filter`
✅ works for `join` with `right` table

✅ Widgets for the Text type

✅ works for `take` and `drop`