This is the first release of Envoy Mobile Lyft is using in a production application! 🎉
Since early November, when the team tagged v0.2.0, we have been hard at work to stabilize the library,
and harden it via experiments with Lyft's Alpha and Beta releases. We have released Lyft's production
binaries with Envoy Mobile for a couple weeks now, and are starting to expose a percentage of our
production clients to Envoy Mobile with this release.
Since v0.2.3 we have largely focused on observability:
- Adds improved logging (#701, #702, #722)
- Adds basic stats for retries #718)
- Adds
response header (#751) - Adds visibility over
virtual clusters <https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/api-v3/config/route/v3/route_components.proto#config-route-v3-virtualcluster>
_ (#768, #771)
Additional changes: