is in progress and is changing a lot...
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Until future Mahdi decides to use ansible-vault
properly, when adding a new private thing, use ansible-vault encrypt <THAT_THING>
to encrypt it (use main vault password).
I use vim btw. 😎
- Main:
- neovim (>=0.6)
- tmux (>=3.2)
- tree-sitter
- zsh
- lua & luarocks
- stow
- fzf (>=0.23)
- yabai(on macOS)
- Tools:
Clone this repo on your home directory.
Install all depenedencies based on instructions.
Then based on your platform run
. It would stow the dotfiles on your home directory.
- After installing tpm, inside tmux use
prefix + I
to install tmux packages. - After installing neovim and packer, use :PackerInstall to install neovim packages.
On macOS, installing from brew should be fine. But on ubuntu if apt did not have version 0.6 or above by the time, you can use snippet below. Source. OR maybe build it from the source ?
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:neovim-ppa/unstable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install neovim
On macOS, installing from brew should be fine. But on ubuntu if apt did not have version 3.2 or above by the time, follow the instructions to build it from source. Here is a quick summary:
- Install these packages:
libevent-dev ncurses-dev build-essential bison pkg-config make automake autotools-dev bison autoconf
- Go to /use/locals
- Run snippet below:
git clone
cd tmux
make && sudo make install
Install it from apt and then install oh-my-zsh, it will take care of everything.
Install from apt or brew.
If you have neovim installed, chances are you already have lua, also checkout this site, it will help you build lua from source.
On macOS installing from brew should be fine but on ubuntu it's beter to clone from the repo and run install script. Make sure you have .fzf.zsh
in your home directory.
Follow the instructions in this repo and install it.
Dowload you desired font from this repo, otf versions are the best. "Caskaydia Cove Nerd Font" or "Fira Code Nerd Font" are suggested. Then install that font.
On arch linux after put the font in /usr/share/fonts
and give it 444
chmod access (or give 555
to the containing folder). Refer to this link.
- Install
brew install yabai
brew install skhd
- Start the service on background
brew services start yabai
brew services start skhd
Both of these should be running. Check their status with this command.
brew services list
- clone the repo in
dir. - run
chmod +rx ~/Software/z/
Install with npm i -g cfonts
Get the latest release from the repo and put it in ~/Software/bin
, then make it executable with chmod
Get the latest release form the repo and put it in ~/Software/bin
, then make it executable with chmod
You need xclip installed to sync yank and clipboard system. Install it with your package manager.