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Fix loop numbering #145

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37 changes: 34 additions & 3 deletions src/stencil/cleanup.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
valid XML String -> tokens -> Annotated Control AST -> Normalized Control AST -> Evaled AST -> Hiccup or valid XML String
(:require [stencil.util :refer [mod-stack-top-conj mod-stack-top-last parsing-exception stacks-difference-key]]
[stencil.types :refer [open-tag close-tag]]))
[stencil.types :refer [open-tag close-tag]]
[stencil.ooxml :as ooxml]))

(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -209,12 +210,42 @@
:when (= :cmd/include (:cmd item))]
(:name item))))

;; add ::depth to ooxml/numId elements
(defn- ast-numbering-depths [ast]
(let [numid->paths (volatile! {})
numid->depth (memoize (fn [id]
(->> (get @numid->paths id)
(map reverse)
(apply map =)
(take-while true?)
(letfn [(visit-all [path xs] (doseq [x xs] (visit path x)))
(visit [path x]
(if (= ooxml/attr-numId (:open+close x))
(vswap! numid->paths update (-> x :attrs ooxml/val)
(fnil conj #{}) path)
(when-let [blocks (::blocks x)]
(let [path (if (= :for (:cmd x))
(cons (gensym) path) path)]
(doseq [block blocks]
(visit-all path (::children block)))))))]
(visit-all () ast))
(partial nested-tokens-fmap-postwalk
identity identity
(fn [e]
(if (= ooxml/attr-numId (:open+close e))
(assoc-in e [:attrs ::depth] (numid->depth (-> e :attrs ooxml/val)))

(defn process [raw-token-seq]
(let [ast (tokens->ast raw-token-seq)
ast (ast-numbering-depths ast)
executable (mapv control-ast-normalize (annotate-environments ast))]
{:variables (find-variables ast)
:fragments (find-fragments ast)
:dynamic? (boolean (some :cmd executable))
:executable executable}))

29 changes: 17 additions & 12 deletions src/stencil/eval.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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[stencil.types :refer [control?]]
[stencil.tokenizer :as tokenizer]
[stencil.util :refer [eval-exception]]
[stencil.tree-postprocess :as tree-postprocess]))
[stencil.tree-postprocess :as tree-postprocess]
[stencil.ooxml :as ooxml]))

(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

(defmulti eval-step (fn [function data item] (:cmd item)))
(defmulti eval-step (fn [function data trace item] (or (:cmd item) (:open+close item))))

(defmethod eval-step :default [_ _ item] [item])
(defmethod eval-step :default [_ _ _ item] [item])

(defn normal-control-ast->evaled-seq [data function items]
(defn normal-control-ast->evaled-seq [data function trace items]
(assert (map? data))
(assert (ifn? function))
(assert (or (nil? items) (sequential? items)))
(eduction (mapcat (partial eval-step function data)) items))
(eduction (mapcat (partial eval-step function data trace)) items))

(defn- eval-rpn* [data function expr raw-expr]
(try (eval-rpn data function expr)
(catch Exception e
(throw (eval-exception (str "Error evaluating expression: " raw-expr) e)))))

(defmethod eval-step :if [function data item]
(defmethod eval-step :if [function data trace item]
(let [condition (eval-rpn* data function (:condition item) (:raw item))]
(log/trace "Condition {} evaluated to {}" (:condition item) condition)
(->> (if condition (:branch/then item) (:branch/else item))
(normal-control-ast->evaled-seq data function))))
(normal-control-ast->evaled-seq data function trace))))

(defmethod eval-step :cmd/echo [function data item]
(defmethod eval-step :cmd/echo [function data _ item]
(let [value (eval-rpn* data function (:expression item) (:raw item))]
(log/trace "Echoing {} as {}" (:expression item) value)
[{:text (if (control? value) value (str value))}]))

(defmethod eval-step :for [function data item]
(defmethod eval-step :for [function data trace item]
(let [items (eval-rpn* data function (:expression item) (:raw item))]
(log/trace "Loop on {} will repeat {} times" (:expression item) (count items))
(if (not-empty items)
Expand All @@ -45,13 +46,17 @@
datas (if (or (instance? java.util.Map items) (map? items))
(map datamapper (keys items) (vals items))
(map-indexed datamapper items))
bodies (cons (:branch/body-run-once item) (repeat (:branch/body-run-next item)))]
(mapcat (fn [data body] (normal-control-ast->evaled-seq data function body)) datas bodies))
bodies (cons (:branch/body-run-once item) (repeat (:branch/body-run-next item)))
traces (for [i (range)] (cons i trace))]
(mapcat (fn [data body trace] (normal-control-ast->evaled-seq data function trace body)) datas bodies traces))
(:branch/body-run-none item))))

(defmethod eval-step ooxml/attr-numId [_ _ trace item]
[(assoc-in item [:attrs ::trace] trace)])

(defn eval-executable [part data functions]
(->> (:executable part)
(#(doto % assert))
(normal-control-ast->evaled-seq data functions)
(normal-control-ast->evaled-seq data functions ())
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/stencil/model.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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(:require [ :as xml]
[ :as io :refer [file]]
[stencil.eval :as eval]
[stencil.ooxml :as ooxml]
[stencil.merger :as merger]
[stencil.model.numbering :as numbering]
[stencil.types :refer [->FragmentInvoke ->ReplaceImage]]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,7 +56,6 @@
{:source-file cts
::path (.getName cts)})

(defn ->exec [xml-streamable]
(with-open [stream (io/input-stream xml-streamable)]
(-> (merger/parse-to-tokens-seq stream)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
(assert (:main template-model) "Should be a result of load-template-model call!")
(assert (some? fragments))
(binding [*current-styles* (atom (:parsed (:style (:main template-model))))
numbering/*numbering* (::numbering (:main template-model))
numbering/*numbering* (atom (::numbering (:main template-model)))
*inserted-fragments* (atom #{})
*extra-files* (atom #{})
*all-fragments* (into {} fragments)]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,6 +154,7 @@
:finally (assoc :result result))))]
(-> template-model
(update :main evaluate)
(assoc-in [:main ::numbering] @numbering/*numbering*)
(update-in [:main :headers+footers] (partial mapv evaluate))

(cond-> (-> template-model :main :style)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -220,7 +221,7 @@

(defmethod eval/eval-step :cmd/include [function local-data-map {frag-name :name}]
(defmethod eval/eval-step :cmd/include [function local-data-map _ {frag-name :name}]
(assert (map? local-data-map))
(assert (string? frag-name))
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41 changes: 38 additions & 3 deletions src/stencil/model/numbering.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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(:require [ :as xml]
[ :as io]
[stencil.ooxml :as ooxml]
[stencil.util :refer [unlazy-tree ->int assoc-if-val]]
[stencil.util :refer [unlazy-tree ->int find-first assoc-if-val]]
[stencil.model.common :refer [unix-path]]))

(def ^:private rel-type-numbering

;; swap an atom here!
(def ^:dynamic *numbering* nil)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,6 +84,41 @@
(defn style-def-for [id lvl]
(assert (string? id))
(assert (integer? lvl))
(some-> (:parsed *numbering*)
(some-> (:parsed @*numbering*)
(get-id-style-xml id lvl)

(defn- tag-lvl-start-override [lvl start]
{:tag ooxml/lvl-override
:attrs {ooxml/attr-ilvl lvl}
:content [{:tag ooxml/start-override :attrs {ooxml/val start}}]})

(defn copy-numbering!
"Creates a copy of the numbering definition an returns the new id for it."
(let [old-elem (find-first (fn [e] (-> e :attrs ooxml/attr-numId (= old-id)))
(:content (:parsed @*numbering*)))
abstract-num-id (some (fn [e]
(when (= ooxml/xml-abstract-num-id (:tag e))
(-> e :attrs ooxml/val)))
(:content old-elem))
max-num-id (apply max (keep (comp ->int ooxml/attr-numId :attrs)
(:content (:parsed @*numbering*))))
new-id (str (inc max-num-id))
new-elem (assoc-in old-elem [:attrs ooxml/attr-numId] new-id)
new-elem (update new-elem :content concat
(for [abstract (:content (:parsed @*numbering*))
:when (= abstract-num-id (-> abstract :attrs ooxml/xml-abstract-num-id))
lvl (:content abstract)
:when (= (:tag lvl) ooxml/tag-lvl)
start (:content lvl)
:when (= "start" (name (:tag start)))]
(tag-lvl-start-override (-> lvl :attrs ooxml/attr-ilvl) (-> start :attrs ooxml/val))))]
(assert old-elem)
(swap! *numbering* update :parsed update :content concat [new-elem])
(swap! *numbering* dissoc :source-file)
(swap! *numbering* (fn [numbering]
(assoc numbering :result {:writer (stencil.model.common/->xml-writer (:parsed numbering))})))
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/stencil/ooxml.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,6 +68,9 @@

(def attr-ilvl

(def lvl-override
(def start-override

(def default-aliases
{;default namespace aliases from a LibreOffice 6.4 OOXML Text document
"" "mc"
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30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions src/stencil/postprocess/numberings.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
(ns stencil.postprocess.numberings
(:require [stencil.util :refer :all]
[stencil.ooxml :as ooxml]
[stencil.model.numbering :as numbering]
[stencil.log :as log]
[ :as zip]))

(defn- get-new-id [numbering-id trace]
(log/debug "Getting new list for old {} trace {}" numbering-id trace)
(if (empty? trace)
(numbering/copy-numbering! numbering-id)))

(defn- lookup [get-new-id element]
(get-new-id (ooxml/val (:attrs element))
(take-last (:stencil.cleanup/depth (:attrs element))
(:stencil.eval/trace (:attrs element)))))

(defn- fix-one [numbering lookup]
(-> numbering
(update :attrs dissoc :stencil.cleanup/depth :stencil.eval/trace)
(update :attrs assoc ooxml/val (lookup numbering))))

(defn fix-numberings [xml-tree]
(let [lookup (partial lookup (memoize get-new-id))]
(fn [e] (= ooxml/attr-numId (:tag e)))
(fn [e] (zip/edit e fix-one lookup)))))

3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/stencil/tree_postprocess.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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[stencil.postprocess.images :refer :all]
[stencil.postprocess.list-ref :refer :all]
[stencil.postprocess.fragments :refer :all]
[stencil.postprocess.numberings :refer [fix-numberings]]
[stencil.postprocess.html :refer :all]))

;; calls postprocess
Expand All @@ -26,6 +27,8 @@




;; call this first. includes fragments and evaluates them too.
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Binary file added test-resources/test-numbering-loops.docx
Binary file not shown.
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions test/stencil/model/numbering_test.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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{:tag tag, :attrs attrs, :content (mapv hiccup children)}))

(deftest test-style-for-def-empty
(binding [*numbering* {:parsed (prepare-numbering-xml {:tag :numbering :content []})}]
(binding [*numbering* (atom {:parsed (prepare-numbering-xml {:tag :numbering :content []})})]
(is (= nil (style-def-for "id-1" 2)))))

(deftest test-style-for-def-with-abstract
(binding [*numbering*
Expand All @@ -27,13 +28,14 @@
[:lvlText {ooxml/val ""}]
[:lvlJc {ooxml/val "start"}]]]
[ooxml/tag-num {ooxml/attr-numId "id-1"}
[ooxml/xml-abstract-num-id {ooxml/val "a1"}]]]))}]
[ooxml/xml-abstract-num-id {ooxml/val "a1"}]]]))})]
(is (= {:lvl-text "", :num-fmt "none", :start 1}
(style-def-for "id-1" 2)))))

(deftest test-style-for-def
(binding [*numbering*
Expand All @@ -44,6 +46,6 @@
[:numFmt {ooxml/val "none"}]
[:suff {ooxml/val "nothing"}]
[:lvlText {ooxml/val ""}]
[:lvlJc {ooxml/val "start"}]]]]))}]
[:lvlJc {ooxml/val "start"}]]]]))})]
(is (= {:lvl-text "", :num-fmt "none", :start 1}
(style-def-for "id-1" 2)))))