Lunkedin is a web application that creates a weight-lifting routine based on the user's input.
The user inputs their squat, bench-press, and deadlift maximums, and get a 12 week program, consisting of 4 days a week, 3 circuits per day, with 2 or 3 exercises per circuit. The user can customize the routine by inputing their own exercises.
This routine is ideal for lifters who want to get stronger, build muscle mass, and burn fat. The intensity undulates daily and weekly, and progresses in a linear fashion, monthly.
- Ruby on Rails
- PostgreSQL
- Javascript
- React.js
- Sass
- Material UI
- Front-End Repo:
- Back-End Repo:
- Deployed Front-End:
- Deployed Back-End:
- As a new user, I can sign up for the application using an email and password.
- As a signed up user, I can use my credentials to sign in to the application.
- As a signed in user, I can change my password.
- As a signed in user, I can sign out.
- As a signed in user, I create create a routine based on my squat, bench press, and deadlift maximums.
- As a signed in user, I can see my 12-week routine, click a day, and see the exercise routine.
- As a signed in user, I can edit my input for a routine.
- As a signed in user, I can delete a routine I have created.
User -|--< Inputs
Method | URL |
POST | /sign-up |
POST | /sign-in |
PATCH | /change-password/ |
DELETE | /sign-out/ |
Method | URL |
POST | /inputs |
GET | /inputs |
PATCH | /inputs/:id |
DELETE | /inputs/:id |
GOAL: Set up react template, wireframes, user stories, entity relationships, back-end
- Created user-stories to determine scope
- Created a wireframe and ERD
- Brainstormed stretch goals
- Determined schedule
- Set up back end with Ruby on Rails
- Set milestones based on day:
- Day 1 = Back-end
- Day 2 = Routine Logic and Front end React components
- Day 3 = Styling, Material UI
- Day 4 = Troubleshooting
GOAL: Finish routine logic, create a routine based on hard-coded input
- Created routine logic in front-end with classes
- Created "Routine", "Wave", "Day", "Circuit", and "Set" components to display routine
GOAL: Meet MVP for CRUD actions
- Created "Form" component to recieve user input and create routine accordingly
- Implemented Material UI for styling
GOAL: Highlight remaining MVP requirements, assess stretch Goals
- Styled front end with Material UI
- Tested features
- Fork and clone this repository.
- Install dependencies with
npm install
. - Install Material UI with
npm install @material-ui/core
- Git add and git commit your initial changes.
- View changes live by running local server
npm start
- Utilized online resources such as StackOverflow to investigate ways to resolve issues
- Reviewed React and Material UI documentation
- Pinpointed issues by using debugger and console.log
- Submitted inquiries to the General Assembly Project Issue queue to request assistance from instructors
- Improve UI to make the application more intuitive and improve user experience
- Allow user to mark days as "complete"
- Use Material UI grid for mobile users
- Add graph of user progress
- Store routine data in backend rather than user input
- Add video links for exercises in Routines