My setup, easiest managed with GNU stow
eg, copy nvim config by checking out repo, and typing stow neovim
First of all in HeyFocus > Preferences > Scripting > Unfocus
# Helper function to format the interval
convertsecs() {
printf "%02d:%02d:%02d\n" $h $m $s
# Write out the session to our file
echo $(date '+%a %b %d %Y %H:%M') - Focused for $(convertsecs $FOCUS_ACTUAL_INTERVAL) >> ~/focus-sessions.txt
(And create ~/focus-sessions.txt
DJ Khaled quotes will assist with the deep work. How you say?
To start a new pomodoro session use the command pdstart
See how you're doing on your daily goal with pdcount
Struggling to finish?, use motivate
during your pomodoro session