A re-implementation of the gen_server
behavior (from the OTP framework) for
the OTPless distribution of Erlang, named worker
🚧 It's a work-in-progress, use at your own risk.
Written by the Erlangsters community and released under the MIT license.
XXX: To be written.
With the Rebar3 build system, add the following to the rebar.config
of your project.
{deps, [
{worker, {git, "https://github.com/erlangsters/worker.git", {tag, "master"}}}
If you happen to use the Erlang.mk build system, then add the following to your Makefile.
BUILD_DEPS = worker
dep_worker = git https://github.com/erlangsters/worker master
In practice, you want to replace the branch "master" with a specific "tag" to avoid breaking your project if incompatible changes are made.