Telegram bot for downloading music from MuseScore
PyPi dependencies are installed with poetry. NodeJS must be installed with a user PATH entry (a global entry will not be recognized)
- Password authentication
- Musescore search
- Better UX (buttons, slash commands)
- Register a Telegram bot with @BotFather
- Find its token, right after the line "
Use this token to access the HTTP API:
" - Create a
file in%APPDATA%\skibidirizz\
on windows or$HOME/.config/skibidirizz/
on linux (Alternatively, pass the file path as an argument to the-t
options) - Run
python -m skibidirizz
to start the bot - In Telegram, use the /start command to start the bot or reset its state
Any bugs relating to downloading music are most likely caused by dl-librescore, so file an issue over there!