There are 2 mafias with same secret phrase sneaking among 5 humans. Mind your safety & find them by their flaws!
狼人精英只为你带来了身份指派以及暗号发放,具体的玩法你尽可展开想象,例如在CS:GO、PUBG中展开激战(欢迎尝试创意工坊地图 MafiaStrike_FatalApartment)。
MafiaStrike merely maintains player role assigning & secret phrase delivering. Any specific game mechanism you could imagine will work. Just to mention a few, CS:GO, PUBG might be the ideal battleground (you could also try my map MafiaStrike_FatalApartment on CS:GO Workshop).
Public on-the-go server: https://mafia-strike.etigerstudio.com
You could also run your own instance:
$ go run cmd/main.go
Brought to you with ❤️ by E-Tiger Studio, 2019.