Here we present the codes of DISMIR:
Files with prefix "DISMIR" are core codes builds and trains a deep learning model to predict the source of individual cell-free DNA reads. The input data files should contain following information:
- the first column: the chromosome where the read is from (e.g. chr1)
- the second column: the position of the read on chromosome (int format)
- the third column: the sequence of a read with a length of 66bp (A/T/C/G) in the form of 'str'
- the fourth column: the methylation state corresponding to the sequence also with a length of 66bp (1:methylated/0:unmethylated) in the form of 'str' predicts the source of each individual read with the trained model from The input files should have the same format as calculates the risk that the plasma donor is suffering from cancer with the results from
Information about the environment we used:
- Python 3.8.3
- Tensorflow 2.2.0
- Keras 2.3.1
For testing the pipline, we generated several fictitious samples and put them in the directory "train_data" and "test_data". Putting them in the corresponding directory in and, the core codes can be tested. With given fictious samples, the training result of should be like:
-loss: 0.3994 -accuracy: 0.8534 -val_loss: 0.4017 -val_accuracy: 0.8523
We also put the result file from for reference (value_result.txt in the root directory)
For users to realize DISMIR, we also provided scripts to process .BAM files mapped with BS-seeker2. By running the script in "bam_processing" in order, you can get the .BED files containing switching regions and .read files as the input of the deep learning model. You can process your own data with these scripts and then realize DISMIR with the core codes. Here we need samtools to process the .BAM files. Python package pyfaidx and pysam are also required.