Releases: everton-dgn/boilerplate_astro_solidjs
Releases · everton-dgn/boilerplate_astro_solidjs
1.0.0 (2025-02-28)
Bug Fixes
- astro-font - optimize fonts & prevent CLS (fd0307e)
- config solidjs and remove react (2119a2e)
- config: add pnpm onlyBuiltDependencies for optimized installs and remove vite types from tsconfig (7077239)
- config: enable config serialization and enforce trailing slashes (342b8b3)
- config: update project configuration for pnpm migration and add engine strictness (080a60a)
- dependencies: migrate from yarn to pnpm for dependency management (8371b09)
- dependencies: update astro and dev dependencies to latest versions (fca69f7)
- dependencies: update astro to 5.2.1 and internal helpers to 0.5.0 (06d8bb6)
- dependencies: update astro to 5.2.5 and vitest to 3.0.5 (03f4551)
- dependencies: update astro to 5.3.0 (f052991)
- deploy: migrate deployment scripts from yarn to pnpm (4c4757e)
- deps: update dependencies and remove sonarjs plugin (c28fe7f)
- lefthook: migrate scripts from yarn to pnpm for commit hooks (d5cf706)
- package: replace autoprefixer with postcss-preset-env (4cb1de6)
- package: set package manager to pnpm version 10.4.1 (3ec3475)
- package: specify Node.js engine requirement to version 22 or higher (ee0a0d8)
- playwright: update webServer command to use pnpm instead of yarn (27192e6)
- scripts: update package.json scripts to use pnpm for upgrade and postinstall (08b6d5f)
- styles: remove display none from responsive images (b02c49d)
- tsconfig: update moduleResolution to "bundler" (2e0b118)
- update dependencies (ae0fa1e)
- workflows: update GitHub Actions to use latest versions of checkout, setup-node, and upload-artifact (fd891d9)
- reverses changes in sources due to performance regression (fb885d1)