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libsndwave is a fork of libsndfile, a library for reading and writing audio files, developed by Erik de Castro Lopo.

The bifurcation point with libsndfile is at this commit.

The goal of this project is to speed up development and remove unnecessary and outdated dependencies.

This project is API compatible with libsndfile. The name of the library itself and the header file has been changed to avoid conflicts with the upstream, but all the names of public functions and types remained unchanged.



The canonical source code repository for libsndwave is at

You can grab the source code using:

git clone git://

Setting up a build environment for libsndwave on Debian or Ubuntu is as simple as:

sudo apt install build-essential cmake libasound2-dev libflac-dev libogg-dev \
    libvorbis-dev libopus-dev pkg-config

For other Linux distributions or any of the *BSDs, the setup should be similar although the package install tools and package names may be slightly different.

Similarly on Mac OS X, assuming brew is already installed:

brew install cmake flac libogg libtool libvorbis opus pkg-config

The CMake build system

The build process with CMake takes place in two stages. First, standard build files are created from configuration scripts. Then the platform's native build tools are used for the actual building. CMake can produce Microsoft Visual Studio project and solution files, Unix Makefiles, Xcode projects and many more.

Some IDE support CMake natively or with plugins, check you IDE documentation for details.


  1. C99-compliant compiler toolchain (tested with GCC, Clang and Visual Studio 2015)
  2. CMake 3.15 or newer

There are some recommended packages to enable all features of libsndwave:

  1. Ogg, Vorbis and FLAC libraries and headers to enable these formats support
  2. ALSA development package under Linux to build sndwave-play utility
  3. Sndio development package under BSD to build sndwave-play utility

Building from command line

CMake can handle out-of-place builds, enabling several builds from the same source tree, and cross-compilation. The ability to build a directory tree outside the source tree is a key feature, ensuring that if a build directory is removed, the source files remain unaffected.

mkdir CMakeBuild
cd CMakeBuild

Then run cmake command with directory where CMakeLists.txt script is located as argument (relative paths are supported):

cmake ..

This command will configure and write build script or solution to CMakeBuild directory. CMake is smart enough to create Unix makefiles under Linux or Visual Studio solution if you have Visual Studio installed, but you can configure generator with -G command line parameter:

cmake .. -G"Unix Makefiles"

The build procedure depends on the selected generator. With "Unix Makefiles" you can type:

make & make install

With "Visual Studio" and some other generators you can open solution or project from CMakeBuild directory and build using IDE.

Finally, you can use unified command:

cmake --build .

CMake also provides Qt-based cross platform GUI, cmake-gui. Using it is trivial and does not require detailed explanations.

Configuring CMake

You can pass additional options with /D<parameter>=<value> when you run cmake command. Some useful system options:

  • CMAKE_C_FLAGS - additional C compiler flags
  • CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX - build install location, the same as --prefix option of configure script

Useful libsndwave options:

  • BUILD_SHARED_LIBS - build shared library (DLL under Windows) when ON, build static library othervise. This option is OFF by default.
  • BUILD_PROGRAMS - build libsndwave's utilities from programs/ directory, ON by default.
  • BUILD_EXAMPLES - build examples, ON by default.
  • BUILD_TESTING - build tests. Then you can run tests with ctest command, ON by default. Setting BUILD_SHARED_LIBS to ON disables this option.
  • ENABLE_EXTERNAL_LIBS - enable Ogg, Vorbis, FLAC and Opus support. This option is available and set to ON if all dependency libraries were found.
  • ENABLE_CPU_CLIP - enable tricky cpu specific clipper. Enabled and set to ON when CPU clips negative\positive. Don't touch it if you are not sure
  • ENABLE_BOW_DOCS - enable black-on-white documentation theme, OFF by default.
  • ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL - enable experimental code. Don't use it if you are not sure. This option is OFF by default.
  • ENABLE_CPACK - enable CPack support. This option is ON by default.
  • ENABLE_PACKAGE_CONFIG - generate and install package config file.
  • INSTALL_PKGCONFIG_MODULE - generate and install pkg-config module.
  • INSTALL_MANPAGES - install man pages for programs. This option is ON by default


First you need to add FindOgg.cmake, FindVorbis.cmake, FindFLAC.cmake and FindOpus.cmake files to some directory inside your CMake project (usually cmake) and add it to CMAKE_MODULE_PATH:



Now you can search libsndwave library from your CMakeLists.txt with this command:


SndWave_FOUND is set to ON when library is found.

If libsndwave dependency is critical, you can add REQUIRED to find_package:

find_package(SndWave REQUIRED)

With with option find_package will terminate configuration process if libsndwave is not found.

You can also add version check:

find_package(SndWave 1.0.1)

find_package will report error, if libsndwave version is < 1.0.1.

You can combine REQUIRED and version if you need.

To link libsndwave library use:

target_link_libraries(my_application PRIVATE SndWave::sndwave)

Preparation is complete! How you can include header:

#include <sndwave/sndwave.h>

and use libsndwave in your project.

Notes for Windows users

Searching external libraries under Windows is a little bit tricky. The best way is to use Vcpkg. You need to install static libogg, libvorbis, libflac and libopus libraries:

vcpkg install libogg:x64-windows-static libvorbis:x64-windows-static
libflac:x64-windows-static opus:x64-windows-static libogg:x86-windows-static
libvorbis:x86-windows-static libflac:x86-windows-static opus:x86-windows-static

Then and add this parameter to cmake command line:


You also need to set VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET because you use static libraries:



See for details.


Latest version is 1.0.0, released on 2020-09-09.

Releases are located on GitHub Releases page.

Release tags and binary distributions are signed and can be verified by GPG key.

