##piddybot Inspired from http://www.idlehandsproject.com/piddybot-a-self-balancing-teaching-tool/ but not willing to pay the 100USD for parts ordering from Sparkfun I looked up the parts on aliexpress and ordered everything and a gyro with the same chips on it (GY-85).
Modified sources + schematic files are in piddybot.
The L6234 is a three phase motordriver from ST (st.com) datasheet - http://www.st.com/web/en/resource/technical/document/datasheet/CD00000046.pdf
It makes use of 3 half-bridges, enabling you to drive a bldc motor with your favorite microcontroller and 3 pwm pins. (+ one additional output to enable the driver).
There is no feedback, so you rely on (like with a stepper motor) the load resistance being lower than the motor torque (or you have to add some sort of feedback like an imu).