Pull requests that update a dependency file
Pull requests that update GitHub Actions code
An improvement or bug fix that favors new contributors
We need your help to improve the track! By taking on this task.
Hacktoberfest says if we apply this label to a PR, the PR doesn't count for Hacktoberfest!
Work paused until further notice
A PR exists addressing this issue
Keep a README in sync with exercism/problem-specifications
Keep a test suite/version in sync with exercism/problem-specifications
Issues dealing with the exercise crate
Issues about the track as opposed to about exercises
Official pronouncements about What We Do Here
Preparing for Exercism v3
Temporary label to group v3 issues. Many were transferred from @exercism/v3.
Work on something from scratch
Improve existing functionality/content
Sync content with its latest version
Comprehensive Exercism knowledge required
Little Exercism knowledge required
Quite a bit of Exercism knowledge required
No existing Exercism knowledge required
Work on Concept Exercises