- Replace the standard CRUD generator, with more advanced functionality.
- Rather, it's not a Create-Read-Update-Delete extension, but a simpler for the Edit-Delete analog
- For more flexible programming
- Create a form tied to our model
- We supplement the controller with a small number of settings (see the example below)
- We get the full cycle of creating / editing and deleting data
- If you just need to output data, just output it (see the example below)
- If you want to save / edit data, just save it (see the example below)
- ListView \ GridView simply pick up $ dataProvider and output data for the desired model
- ListView \ GridView also picks up $ model for filtering \ pagination \ sorting
- Validation before saving data
- Save a new record to the database when submitting a completed form
- Edit \ Save the saved record to the database
- Deleting an entry (including AJAX)
- Convenient restrictions on editing / creating records
- Action "/ edit", just create a new entry in the database
- Action "/ edit? Id = 2", will receive data from the database. And in the case of conservation, they will be updated
- The parameter "returnParams" will supply additional URLs to the URL, for example If there was an action "/ edit" and the parameter is set, the form will be perezagruzitsya to "/ edit? Id = ID", Where ID is the identifier of the newly saved model (or old one).
- You can not set the "view" option if there is a view in the folder with the same name of the action file
- The code requires more detailed documentation
- The code does not pretend to be the "best", but there is a place to be
- Refactoring is needed, because Works in the production of many projects
- Auto-test coverage
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer. Either run
php composer.phar require "exru/yii2-crud" "*"
or add
"exru/yii2-crud" : "*"
to the require
section of your application's composer.json
//This is example of controller from some-real project
class ClientsController extends Controller {
public function actions() {
return [
//Show all users from db
//Экшен выводит всех пользоватлей из БД
'pagination'=>[ //if false - all records
//The example is using various configuration
'successMessage'=>'Profile saved',
'errorMessage'=>'Error occured',
//Deleting of user with complex success redirect
'successRoute'=>function($model, $action){
if($action->lastInfo->action == 'edit'){
return \yii\helpers\Url::to(['/manager/clients/list']);
return \Yii::$app->request->referrer;
'successMessage'=>'Client deleted',
'errorMessage'=>'Error occured',
//somewhere in view "list"
<?= GridView::widget([
//Example of GridView buttons for edit models
// 'class'=>ActionColumn::className(),
// 'header'=>Html::a('Add', ['/manager/clients/edit']),
// 'template'=>'{update} {delete}',
// 'urlCreator'=>function($action, $model){
// if($action == 'update'){
// return ['/manager/clients/edit', 'id'=>$model->id];
// }
// elseif($action == 'delete'){
// return ['/manager/clients/delete', 'id'=>$model->id];
// }
// }
//somewhere in view "edit", $model - passed autamatically
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(); ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'lastname')->textInput() ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'firstname')->textInput() ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'middlename')->textInput() ?>
<?= Html::submitButton('Save') ?>
<?php ActiveForm::end(); ?>