This repository is a modified mirror copy of es-geonames by the Open Event Data Alliance under the MIT license.
Major modifications
- elevated elasticsearch to v7.6.1
- modified index mapping to provide compatibility with elasticsearch v7
- fixed an issue regarding utf-8 encoding during import of Geonames data
- added multi-threading support to the import script to increase speed
STEP 0) OPTIONAL - Setup Python "Virtual Environment"
python3 -m venv es-gazetteer_env
source es-gazetteer_env/bin/activate
STEP 1) Download the source code from Github
git clone
cd es-gazetteer
STEP 2) Install required libraries
python install -r requirements.txt
STEP 3) Create directory for index data of elasticsearch to be placed
mkdir gdata
sudo chmod 777
STEP 4) Initialise docker container
docker run -d -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -e "discovery.type=single-node" --name es-gazetteer --net elasticsearch --hostname -v /data-mitras/gdata/:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data elasticsearch:7.6.1
STEP 5) Download and extract country data from Geonames
STEP 6) Create index for Geonames data in elasticsearch
curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/geonames' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @geonames_mapping.json
STEP 7) Import Geonames data from allCountries.txt
STEP 8) Test if elasticsearch index can be queried
curl -X GET "http://localhost:9200/geonames/_search?q=name:PUT-LOCATION-NAME-HERE&pretty=true"