This is a PHP implementation of the lnurl
This repo is a fork of:
I have improved the code, added testing and PHP8 support,
and more importantly I added support for lnurl-auth
$ composer require ezadr/lnurl-php
I have also written an article on how you could potentially implement this in your own PHP application here
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use eza\lnurl;
// Encode a URL to LNURL
$lnurl = lnurl\encodeUrl('');
// Decode from LNURL
print_r( lnurl\decodeUrl($lnurl) );
* [
* 'url' => '',
* 'tag' => 'withdraw'
* 'someIdentifier' => '292e29j29j19nd91m2mfmmurn843'
* ]
// LNURL Auth
if (lnurl\auth($request->k1, $request->signature, $request->wallet_public_key)) {
// fetch or create user then authenticate
$ vendor/bin/phpunit