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Unzip the archive
python install
We will laster upload the file into PYPI, so your can install with easy_install .
add eze_auth to INSTALLED_APPS
INSTALLED_APPS = ( #..... 'eze_auth', #.... }
add eze_auth.auth_backends.EzEngageBackend to AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS
AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( 'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend', 'eze_auth.auth_backends.EzEngageBackend', )
add eze_auth_urls to url conf
urlpatterns += patterns('', (r'^eze/', include('eze_auth.urls')), )
./ syncdb eze_auth
if you are using South, run
./ migrate eze_auth
{% load eze_tags %} {% eze_login_widget '/after/login/done/' %}
from eze_auth.helper import get_api_client from eze_auth.models import EzeUserProfile identity = EzeUserProfile.objects.get(user=request.user) message = 'update status to ... ' eze_api_client = get_api_client() eze_api_client.update_status(identity.identity, message)